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Other Soviet encyclopedias

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description: Original title Transliteration (if applicable) English title Volumes DatesEesti nõukogude entsüklopeedia — Estonian Soviet Encyclopedia 8 1968–1976Latvijas padomju enciklopēdija — Latvian Soviet ...

Original title    Transliteration (if applicable)    English title    Volumes    Dates
Eesti nõukogude entsüklopeedia    —    Estonian Soviet Encyclopedia    8    1968–1976
Latvijas padomju enciklopēdija    —    Latvian Soviet Encyclopedia    10    1981–1988
Lietuviškoji tarybinė enciklopedija    —    Lithuanian Soviet Encyclopedia    10    1976–1985
Азәрбајҹан Совет Енсиклопедијасы    Azәrbaycan Sovet Ensiklopediyası    Azerbaijani Soviet Encyclopedia    10    1976–1987
Беларуская савецкая энцыклапедыя    Belaruskaya savietskaya entsyklapedyya    Byelorussian Soviet Encyclopedia    12    1969–1975
Енчиклопедия советикэ молдовеняскэ    Enciclopedia sovietică moldovenească    Moldavian Soviet Encyclopedia    8    1970–1981
Кыргыз Совет Энциклопедиясы    Kyrgyz Soviet Entsiklopediyasy    Kyrgyz Soviet Encyclopedia    6    1976–1980
Түркмен совет энциклопедиясы    Türkmen sowet ensiklopediýasy    Turkmen Soviet Encyclopedia    10    1974–1989
Українська радянська енциклопедія    Ukraïns'ka radyans'ka enstiklopediya    Ukrainian Soviet Encyclopedia    17    1959–1965
Энциклопедияи советии тоҷик    Entsiklopediya-i sovieti-i tojik    Tajik Soviet Encyclopedia    8    1978–1988
Ўзбек совет энциклопедияси    Uzbek sovet entsiklopediyasi    Uzbek Soviet Encyclopedia    14    1971–1980
Қазақ кеңес энциклопедиясы    Qazaq keñes encïklopedïyası    Kazakh Soviet Encyclopedia    10    1972–1978
Հայկական սովետական հանրագիտարան    Haykakan sovetakan hanragitaran    Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia    13    1974–1987
ქართული საბჭოთა ენციკლოპედია    kartuli sabch'ota encik'lop'edia    Georgian Soviet Encyclopedia    12    1965–1987
The Soviet Encyclopedia is a systematic summary of knowledge in social and economic studies and in the applied sciences[citation needed]. It became a universal reference work for the Soviet intelligentsia.[8] According to the publisher's foreword in the English-language translation of the encyclopedia, the encyclopedia is important for knowledge and understanding of USSR. A major value of the Encyclopedia is its comprehensive information about Soviet and its peoples. Every aspect of Soviet life is systematically presented, including history, economics, science, art, and culture[citation needed]. The ethnic diversity of USSR’s peoples and its languages and cultures are extensively covered. There are biographies of prominent cultural and scientific figures who are not as well-known outside of Russia. There are detailed surveys of USSR’s provinces and towns, as well as their geology, geography, flora and fauna.[8]
The encyclopedia’s Chief Editorial Board and Advisory board sought input from the general public. The entry list was sent to universities, scientific institutions, museums, and private specialists in every field. More than 50,000 suggestions were received and many additions were made.[9] Scholars believe that the Encyclopedia is a valuable and useful source for Russian history.[10] The Encyclopedia, though noted as having a strong Marxist bias, provides useful information for understanding the Soviet point of view.[11][12]
Damnatio memoriae
Following the arrest and punishment of the infamous Lavrentiy Beria, the notorious head of the NKVD, in 1953 the encyclopedia—ostensibly in response to overwhelming public demand—mailed subscribers to the second edition a letter from the editor[13] instructing them to cut out and destroy the three-page article on Beria and paste in its place enclosed replacement pages expanding the adjacent articles on F. W. Bergholz (an 18th-century courtier), the Bering Sea, and Bishop Berkeley.[14] By April 1954, the Library of the University of California had received this “replacement.”[15] This was not the only case of political influence. According to one author, encyclopedia subscribers received missives to replace articles in the fashion of the Beria article frequently.[16] Other articles, especially biographical articles on political leaders, changed significantly to reflect the current party line. An article affected in such a fashion was the one on Bukharin, whose evolution of descriptions went through several versions.[17]
Great Russian Encyclopedia
Main article: Great Russian Encyclopedia
Publication of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia was suspended in 1990 and halted in 1991, but in 2002 it was reinstituted by decree of Vladimir Putin. In 2003 and 2004 a team of editors was formed to overhaul the old encyclopedia by updating facts, removing most examples of overt political bias, and changing its name to the Great Russian Encyclopedia. Many outdated articles are being entirely rewritten. In 2004 the first volume of the newly overhauled Great Russian Encyclopedia was published. According to the encyclopedia editor, Sergei Leonidovich Kravets, the complete edition of 35 volumes could be released by 2016.[18]
Publication of the Great Russian Encyclopedia is overseen by the Russian Academy of Sciences, and funded by the Government of the Russian Federation. The encyclopedia is now found in libraries and schools throughout the CIS.[19] Additionally, the 1980s editions remain in widespread use, particularly as references in scientific and mathematical research.

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