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Systems 1970s

2014-7-23 21:51| view publisher: amanda| views: 1002| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: Cincom introduces several new products this decade including:ENVIRON/1 (1971), a control system for teleprocessing networks.SOCRATES (1972), a data retrieval system for receiving quick, meaningful rep ...
Cincom introduces several new products this decade including:
ENVIRON/1 (1971), a control system for teleprocessing networks.
SOCRATES (1972), a data retrieval system for receiving quick, meaningful reports from the TOTAL database system.
T-ASK (1975), an Interactive Query Language for Harris computers
MANTIS (1978), an application generator.
TOTAL Information System, a directory-driven database management system.[7]
Manufacturing Resource Planning System (1979), a packaged data system for manufacturers that is the ancestor of today's CONTROL system.
Cincom begins expanding its operations internationally opening offices in:
Canada - 1971
England - 1972
Belgium - 1973
France - 1974
Italy - 1974
Australia - 1974
Japan - 1978
1971: Cincom holds its first ever user conference dubbed as a "knock about."
1979: Cincom forms its manufacturing systems division. Its flagship application suite CONTROL would be a dominant force in the ERP field for many years, specializing in engineered products, high tech, aerospace and defense.

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