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description: The basic structure of socionics was established in the 1960s and 1970s by Aušra Augustinavičiūtė, along with a group of enthusiasts who met in Vilnius, Lithuania. What resulted from their discuss ...
The basic structure of socionics was established in the 1960s and 1970s by Aušra Augustinavičiūtė,[7] along with a group of enthusiasts who met in Vilnius, Lithuania. What resulted from their discussions and Augustinavičiūtė's personal investigations was an information model of the psyche and of interpersonal interaction based on Jung's typology but with eight psychic functions rather than four.[8] Augustinavičiūtė's first works on socionics were published between 1978 and 1980.
Currently, socionic methods are widely used in academic and applied research. According to the catalog DisserCat from 1996 to 2011 in Russia, Ukraine and other countries were defended more than 800 doctoral theses, using methods and analytic tools of Socionics in management, education, psychology, anthropology, medicine, philosophy, philology, sports, and law.
There are published four scientific peer-reviewed journals on the practical application of methods of socionics in management, consulting, psychology, pedagogy, education, psychotherapy, and humanities.
There are several socionics organizations. The International Institute of Socionics (IIS) was established in 1991 in Kiev, Ukraine, and for years has held the most prominent annual international socionics conference. The institute pursues the continued development of socionics theory, renders commercial consulting services, and since 1994 has released a bimonthly journal Socionics, Mentology, and Personality Psychology (six issues a year). Topics in the journal usually range anywhere from studies and applications of the primary principles of socionics to speculative extensions of the theory. The director and founder of the institute is Aleksandr Bukalov. In 2006 the institute established an International Academic Board to issue bachelors, masters, and PhD degrees in socionics.[9]
The Scientific Research Socionics Institute is located in Moscow, Russia, and is led by Tatyana Prokofieva.[10][11] The institute primarily studies socionics, personality and relationships within a socionics context, and develops methods of individual and business consulting.[12] Furthermore, the institute provides socionics instruction allowing participants to receive a bachelors or master's degree in socionics according to the criteria of the International Institute of Socionics.[13]
The Applied Socionics School[14] founded in 2003 is located in Moscow, Russia, with local branches in several cities (Murmansk,[15] Petrozavodsk,[16] Rostov-na-Donu,[17] and Krasnodar), and is led by Elena Udalova.[18] The School developed educational courses about basic knowledge of socionics, the intertype relations, and sociotype distortions, as well as local trainings devoted to the introverted ethics and introverted intuition. The local trainings are conducted for persons of sociotypes having their strengths in respective functions (Fi or Ni, respectively).
The School of System Socionics[19] was founded by Vladimir Davidovich Ermak in November 1991 in Kiev, Ukraine. In 2005 official School of System Socionics web site was founded by I. M. Eglit. Since then it has become creative laboratory of practical socionics and platform for training socionists—experts in TIM identification. The School has developed Methodology of remote TIM Identification, introduced a school-standard identification protocol and computer-aided type identification techniques.
In 1995 non-governmental organization Russian Academy of Natural Sciences recognized socionics as a discovery, and its creator, Aušra Augustinavičiūtė, was awarded a diploma and a Peter Kapitza medal.[20]
Socionics as an academic discipline
Through the work of the International Institute of Socionics and other schools of Socionics, the issue four peer-reviewed journals and the annual International conferences on socionics.[21] Socionics is taught in more than 150 universities in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and other CIS countries, as well as in Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Romania, either as a separate course, or, in view of the applicability of the various methods of Socionics Humanities, as part of educational courses on Sociology, Pedagogy, Social Psychology, Management and Psychology of Management, human resource management, Conflictology, social services and Tourism, Computer Science and Programming, Philosophy, Neurology, Journalism, Library Science, Social Work, Didactics and others, including Engineering disciplines.[22]
The universities in Russia,[23][24][25][26][27] Ukraine,[28] Bulgaria,[29] Romania[30] published a number of books and monographs on Socionics, or on psychology, pedagogy and management, which socionics and its methods are devoted to specific topics.
There are new areas of research, such as Educational Socionics,[31][32] Sociological Socionics,[33] Aviation Socionics,[34][35] Library Socionics,[36][37] Technical Socionics, Linguistic Socionics, Penitentiary Socionics, and Socionics in other subject areas.
Most actively socionics is used in education process, not only as a tool for teachers to manage the learning process,[38] but also as a basis for the development and improvement of education and training.[29] A teacher holding socionic knowledge and technologies can consciously collaborate with others and improve professional efficiency.[39] Targeted use of intertype relations helps intensify the didactic process, increase the motivation of students.[40] Socionics is also used to assess the individual psychological and personal qualities to forecast the success of employee career.[41]
Socionics is interesting in advertising[42] and marketing, because it allows you to explain the reasons for the behavior of consumers.[43]
Socionics is a tool for the study of personality and creativity of the writer, the typology of the characters in his works.[44] The method of linguistic-socionic modeling proposed by L. M. Komissarova,[45] used for analysis of individual lexicon of language personality.[46] A translation of socionic characteristics in verbal ones is called the "method of linguistic-socionic modeling" and widely used.[47][48]
Socionic methods have been proposed for the modeling of information processes in the "human-machine" systems,[49] and practically used to model systems "aircraft operator" in pilots' training,[34] and other similar areas.
Due to the variety of applications of Socionics, its concepts and information models, in the 90 years of the 20th century, it was proposed to distinguish Socionics of personality, or differential socionics, and generalized, more abstract integral Socionics.[50] A number of experts believe that the concept of information metabolism, cybernetic modeling and general systems theory extends beyond of psychology and sociology, and consider the relationship of technical information devices, and the types of information human interactions as operator with various technical and electronic management systems of major industries, including chemical, nuclear power stations, complex computer complexes with adaptive tunable to a specific operator interfaces.[50]
Propagation of socionics
In Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Georgia, Bulgaria, and Central Asia, socionics has grown significantly in popularity. A couple of journals exist, as well as a number of organizations which periodically hold conferences in Kiev, Moscow, St. Petersburg, and other cities.
It was first introduced in English in the mid-1990s when Sergei Ganin created Socionics.com. Since 1997, there is a resource of the International Institute of Socionics, Socionic.info. Dmitri Lytov, creator of the multi-language socionics resource, Socioniko.net, presented a more classical view of socionics and participated in online discussions in English. In 2006 Rick DeLong published hand translations of excerpts of several works by Augustinavičiūtė at Socionics.us, which clarified her views.
There are a number of academic publications on Socionics in English in peer-reviewed journals.[51] Since 2000 socionics as a scientific discipline and a field of research has been recognized and widespread in many countries.[51][52][53] The 2012 academic research and applied work in the field of socionics was held in Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Estonia, Austria, Germany, and others, as well as in the United States.[54]
Practical applications
Socionists have devised humanitarian, political, and information technologies that have been applied to various fields of human activity.[55][56] Socionic techniques have been applied at more than 120 enterprises from Russia, Ukraine, Germany, and the Baltics by members of the International Institute of Socionics.[56] Socionics is widely used in management, recruitment consultancy (professional orientation, team-compatibility, building company’s strategy according to employees types), trainings of aviation and space crews, pedagogy (researches on interaction between teacher and students, problems of learning), family consultancy (marriage and divorce issues, age problems), fundamental science researches (mathematical modeling, genetics, psychophysics, morphology – external parameters of socionics types), psychology games and trainings.[57][58][59][60]
Socionics technologies in management, staff recruitment and team building
Management is the area concerned with the application of both theoretical and practical socionics methods and S-technologies.[61][62] Socionics methods and techniques were successfully implemented by the fellow consultants of International Institute of Socionics and their colleagues in management, reorganization, and team building in more than 150 firms, banks and companies in Germany, Latvia, Russia, Ukraine and other countries, included 30 enterprises of the Russian gas concern "Gazprom" in the North of Russia.[6] Management of Deutsche Bank is using socionics methods to evaluate potential of its future employees.[63]
In recent decades interest to socionics tools in German, Russian, Ukrainian and other companies has grown dramatically. Socinics model has been implemented in enterprises of the world's largest aluminium company Rusal for evaluating its employees.[64] Different tools are used to define sociotypes, this involves observing and testing based on well-known test methods.[65]
Numerous researches dedicated to practical and theoretical socionics have proved its efficiency in forming collectives, particularly special and related to security systems. For example, experimental research of aircraft control services, which was conducted at St. Petersburg State University had shown that quality of interaction integral controller which was calculated on the basis of SMoIR (socionics model of intertype relationships) is correlated with sociometric data colour test relations.[66] Also there are a number of scientific monographs and textbooks about significant role of socionics practices and methods in forming effective teams.
Authors of these works point out that modeling of situations in groups can be done in two ways: by forming small groups based on socionics structure (quadras, clubs and temperament types) or by analasys of intertype relations between team members. Choice of approach depends on a goals setted. If the goal is to analyses situation in the team and interaction between its members, than the best choice is the intertype analyses between members[67][68][69][70][71]
Socionics methods are described in more than 110 PhD and doctoral dissertations in management, economics, organizational psychology.[78]
Nuclear power plants’ security
Security management of dangerous chemical or nuclear enterprises requires special methods of recruitment and work. To provide high security level on nuclear power plants by optimizing the human factor defined a number of ergonomic factors which have an influence on a person in a modern management system: the intensity of work, time factor, isolation of workplace that causes tight interpersonal contacts; monotony of work; lack of physical activity; negative external influences (noise, vibration, etc.).
Each of these factors and especially their combination leads to extreme modes and related stresses (not to mention other circumstances that faced operational staff of plants). However, those approaches are difficult to implement because of financial and timing loss. Except factors caused by external operational activity there are many social stressors as well.
Social stressors may cause mistakes, but more often its provoking mistakes in situations, where they are the most likely to happen. So, a person who doesn’t have clear understanding of his duties, or somebody who takes his work as a dangerous activity, will commit more mistakes while working in short supply than a person who is not stressed by social factors. In order to reduce this kind of stressor, on some plants, for example on Zaporizhia nuclear power plant were implemented testing, which were conducting communication trainings and other socionics methods.[79] Also socionics approaches are taught in terms of courses training staff reserve on Leningrad nuclear power plant.[80]
Socionics principles implemented to security system of nuclear power plants are described in a textbook.[81] It includes analysis of the social structure of the staff, the concept of which coincides with the notion of psychoinformative space of collectives in integral socionics.[82][83] Socionics tools combined with psycho informational theory of relationships are using to describe various models of human interaction with complex technological processes that take place in enterprises and transport.[84]
Pedagogical socionics
The concepts and methods of socionics are widely used in pedagogy, this collaboration creates a new scientific branch – pedagogical socionics.[85][86]
Role that socionics takes in educational process, doesn’t limited by being teacher’s tool for managing process[87] it is also a base for development and improving educational system and preparing staff. Teacher armed with socionics technology can consciously establish relationships with other people and increase efficiency of his pedagogical skills.[88] Rational implementation of intertype relationships can push educational process to become more intensive and increase students’ motivation.[89][90]
Socionics is also researched practical methods and techniques dedicated to evaluation person’s individual psychological values to prognoses professional success.[91] A number of authors agreed that socionics might become a theoretical base for personal-oriented educational technologies.[92][93]
Socionics in astronautics
In Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center which located in Star City, Russia socionics methods are successfully used since 1992 for training Russian astronauts and international astronauts’ crews and preparing them to spaceflights. It is clear, that interpersonal issues and effective collaboration are extremely important in extreme conditions while working in a close space and are vital for successful spaceflight.[94] In Star City conducted number of science seminars based on socionics methods and person typology to training space crews. Problem of forming space crews by socionics methods was a central topic at the International conference on space researches,[95] at the Space forum 2011 and at the conference “Piloted flights into Space”, which were taken place in Star City and in The Russian Academy of Sciences, also these issues were taken a part in works of Doctor of medical science professor Bohdashevsky, Doctor of philosophy Bukalov A.V. and Doctor of philosophy Karpenko O.B.[96]
Aviation socionics
Socionics methods appeared helpful for aviation due to the safety of flights, passengers and crew members. This reasons leads to development of such branch as aviation socionics, which is a part of training process for crew members of aircraft.
According to order of the Ministry of transport of Russian Federation Flight Standards Department approved a default application “Training of pilots in the field of human factor”, which expects basic socionics knowledge not only among pilots and other crew members, but also prognosing interaction in air crews by socionics methods, including such topics: “Topic 5. Aviation socionics and its place in solving human factor”: sources of aviation socionics. The doctrine of Jung’s personality type. A. Augustinavichiute and sources of socionics. Current status of socionics science. Sociotypes and its classification. Intertype interaction. Socionic components of professional characteristics. Topic 6. “The problem of forming flight crew and other aviation groups with high collaboration in it”: The document, which regulate the formation flight crews. Socionics approaches in forming teams: quadras and typology of “non-quadral” teams. Forming teams in the concept of pursepoful systems. Topic 7. “Forming effective teams based on socionics model”: Fuzzy sets: terms and definitions. Socionics model of human being. Socionics model of a crew member. Crew members as a collective operator. Socionics characteristic of crew members. Evaluation of effective collaboration. Conditions to reach synergism. Socionics prognosis in evaluation crew members. Socionics model of intertype interactions. Socionics model of crew members and its evaluation. Using socionics model of intertype interactions to form effective team. Topic 8. “Problems in evaluation relationships "human-machine" ”: evaluation of interaction within system “pilot-aircraft”. Criteria of interactions’ evaluating. Socionics aspects of pilot-aircraft interaction. Preventing pilot’s mistakes by constructive and technical tools”[97]
There are numerous studies, dissertations[98][99] and fundamental monographs in this field.[100]
To improve interaction among crew members, specialists of Saint Petersburg University examined 2330 people by socionics methods, including students of St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation, Russian State Pedagogical University of A.I. Herzen, St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts; aircrews of airlines: “Syberia”, “Atlant-Soyuz Airlines”, “Ural Airlines”, “Lukoylavia”, “Gazpromavia”, “Tomsk Avia”, “Enimex” (Estonia), “Air Kazakhstan”, “AZAL”, “Kazair West”, “RusAir” and others; air traffic controllers from Moscow, Khabarovsk, Rostov-on-Don, Novokuznetsk, Magadan, Norilsk, Saratov, Omsk, Kemerovo, New Urengoy, Syktyvkar, Nalchik, Ust-UTA, Kolpasevo, Pechora, Evenkii, Yakutia and Sakhalin; professors from almost all flight academies of Russia; delegates from Azerbaijan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, and Estonia.
This data base represents result of 10 years of scientific work. In their researches authors are relying on fundamental works of the Kyiv School of Socionics, International Institute of Socionics, publications in journals “Socionics, mentology and personal psychology”, “Management and staff: management psychology, socionics and sociology”.[101]
Experimental researches of National Aviation University and Kirovohrad Flight Academy of National Aviation University of Ukraine showed that sociometric and socionics approaches are playing a great role in working process of aviation specialists especially in forming flight crews and dispatcher changes.
By system approach were defined socionic types of aviation professionals’ personalities and level of their interaction of professional performing in small groups as an example of control changes.
According to the experimental results were obtained socionics and sociometric data of air traffic controllers and correlation analyses of its parameters, also was determined the connection’s intensity between person’s interaction levels. The practical values of this research is to develop automated module to determine individual characteristic of operators and to evaluate the effectiveness of socionics in the management of air traffic, particular in special cases of flight[102]
Jung's psychological types
Jung's model for 2 types: extraverted intuitive-thinking (ILE) and introverted feeling-sensory (ESI)
Function    ILE    ESI
Dominant    Extraverted intuition    Introverted feeling
Auxiliary    Introverted thinking    Extraverted sensation
Tertiary    Extroverted feeling    Introverted intuition
Inferior    Introverted sensation    Extraverted thinking
Main article: Psychological Types
Carl Jung describes four psychological functions that are capable of becoming conscious, but to differing degrees in specific individuals:[103]
Sensation – all perceptions by means of the sense organs
Intuition – perception by way of the unconscious, or perception of unconscious events
Thinking (in socionics, logic) – interpretation of information based on whether it is correct or incorrect
Feeling (in socionics, ethics) – interpretation of information based on its ethical aspects
In addition to these four types, Jung defines a polarity between introverted and extraverted personalities. This distinction is based on how people invest energy rather into the inner, subjective, psychical world (usually called Seele, soul, by Jung) or instead the outer, objective, physical world (including one's body).
By Jung's rules 16 psychological types exist. But in his book "Psychological Types" he described in detail only 8 types, distinguished by the 8 possible dominant functions.
Information elements
Socionics Information Elements and Dichotomies.png
In socionics, Jung's functions are always introverted or extroverted, and are referred to as functions of information metabolism.[104] These functions are said to process information aspects. To understand what an information aspect is, it is necessary to understand information metabolism as Augustinavičiūtė understood it.
Augustinavičiūtė states that the perception of the world through the human mind uses eight elements of information metabolism (mental functions), each of which reflects one particular aspect of objective reality.[105] In her works she describes aspects of the world based on physical quantities such as potential and kinetic energy, space, time, and their properties.
Often other socionists have equated the information elements with their definition according to fundamental physical concepts as well (Matter-Time-Energy-Space) (N. Medvedev,[106] V. Ermak[107]). Matter compared to Thinking, Energy to Feeling, Space to Sensing, Time to Intuition. Given the division of aspects of the absolute between Extroverted ("black") and Introverted ("white"), being four times two, their number is eight.
The 8 socionics symbols (Socionics symbol Te.svg Socionics symbol Fe.svg Socionics symbol Se.svg Socionics symbol Ne.svg Socionics symbol Ti.svg Socionics symbol Fi.svg Socionics symbol Si.svg Socionics symbol Ni.svg) were introduced by Augustinavičiūtė while working with Jung's typology[108] and remain the dominant method of denoting the functions and the corresponding information aspects that they process. Other notation systems also enjoy some use, such as Victor Gulenko's 8 Latin letters (P, E, F, I, L, R, S, and T, correspondingly). Among western enthusiasts, Myers-Briggs notation (Te, Fe, Se, Ne, Ti, Fi, Si, and Ni, correspondingly) is popular.
Element    Abstracted definition    English Acronym    Symbol    Description
Extraverted logic (thinking)    external dynamics of objects    Te    Socionics symbol Te.svg    Te is efficiency of an action, technical processes, the accomplishment of work, the efficient and prudent use of resources, factual accuracy, and the acquisition of relevant and useful information. Te understands the difference between effective and ineffective behavior when performing a procedure or accomplishing a task, and aspires to increase the frequency of productive outcomes within a system.
Extraverted ethics (feeling)    internal dynamics of objects    Fe    Socionics symbol Fe.svg    Fe is responsible for the perception of an emotional state in an individual and the bodily and linguistic expression of emotions. Fe is able to influence others' emotional condition and to communicate its own, "infecting" others. Fe is used especially in generating and recognizing excitement and enthusiasm.
Extraverted sensing    external statics of objects    Se    Socionics symbol Se.svg    Se is responsible for the perception, control, defense, and acquisition of space, territory, and control. It observes outward appearances, estimates whether forces are in alignment or conflict, and uses strength of will and power-based methods to achieve purposes. Se understands territory and physical aggression. It is also the function of contact and apprehension of qualia.
Extraverted intuition    internal statics of objects    Ne    Socionics symbol Ne.svg    Ne is responsible for understanding the essence (permanent but not obvious traits) of a thing, estimating the potential and latent capabilities for people and things, and visualizing the likely outcome of events. It is responsible for the sense of interest or boredom. Ne will speculate as to why an event occurs, but sees the specific event as static and unalterable.
Introverted logic (thinking)    external statics of fields    Ti    Socionics symbol Ti.svg    Ti is responsible for understanding logic and structure, categorizations, ordering and priorities, logical analysis and distinctions, logical explanations. Ti interprets information according to how it fits into a validating system. Ti is particularly aware of logical consistency and how concepts relate to each other in meaning and structure, independently of particular purposes.
Introverted ethics (feeling)    internal statics of fields    Fi    Socionics symbol Fi.svg    Fi is responsible for understanding the quality, nature, and proper maintenance of personal relations; makes moral judgments; and aspires to humanism and kindness. Fi has a strong understanding of the social hierarchy and how people feel about each other, their attitudes of like or dislike, enthrallment or disgust, repulsion or attraction, enmity or friendship.
Introverted sensing    external dynamics of fields    Si    Socionics symbol Si.svg    Si is responsible for perception of physical sensations; questions of comfort, coziness, and pleasure; and a sense of harmony and acclimation with one's environment (especially physical). Si understand how well a person or thing's behavior agrees with its nature as well as the differences between comfortable behaviors and positions and uncomfortable ones.
Introverted intuition    internal dynamics of fields    Ni    Socionics symbol Ni.svg    Ni is responsible for the estimation of the passage of time, the understanding of a course of processes in time, and forecasting. Ni understand how things may change and evolve over time and throughout history. Ni is acutely aware of events that are occurring outside of the immediate perception of the moment, and sees events as part of a continuous flow. Ni perceives the possible ramifications of future events and notices ties to the past. Ni observes behavioral patterns and can assess a person's character.

Socionics, in psychology and sociology, is a theory of information processing and personality type, distinguished by its information model of the psyche (called "Model A") and a model of interpersonal relations. It incorporates Carl Jung's work on Psychological Types with Antoni Kępiński's theory of information metabolism. Socionics is a modification of Jung's personality type theory that uses eight psychic functions, in contrast to Jung's model, which used only four. These functions process information at varying levels of competency and interact with the corresponding function in other individuals, giving rise to predictable reactions and impressions—a theory of intertype relations.[1]
Socionics was developed in the 1970s and 1980s, primarily by the Lithuanian researcher Aušra Augustinavičiūtė, an economist, sociologist, psychologist, and dean of the Vilnius Pedagogical University's department of family science.[2] The name "socionics" is derived from the word "society", because Augustinavičiūtė believed that each personality type has a distinct purpose in society, which can be described and explained by socionics.[3]
The central idea of socionics is that information is intuitively divisible into eight categories, called information aspects or information elements, which a person's psyche processes using eight psychological functions. Each sociotype has a different correspondence between functions and information elements, which results in different ways of perceiving, processing, and producing information. This in turn results in distinct thinking patterns, values, and responses to arguments, all of which are encompassed within socionic type. Socionics' theory of intertype relations is based on the interaction of these functions between types.[4][5]
The socionics provides to predict the relations character and the degree of the business, information and psychological compatibility of the people before their joining in one collective, i. e. to solve the “inverse task” of sociometry.[6]

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