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Fujita conjecture

2014-6-15 09:42| view publisher: amanda| views: 1003| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: In mathematics, Fujita's conjecture is a problem in the theories of algebraic geometry and complex manifolds, unsolved as of 2013.In complex manifold theory, the conjecture states that for a positive ...
In mathematics, Fujita's conjecture is a problem in the theories of algebraic geometry and complex manifolds, unsolved as of 2013.
In complex manifold theory, the conjecture states that for a positive holomorphic line bundle L on a compact complex manifold M with canonical line bundle K, then
is spanned by sections when
m ≥ n + 1
and is very ample when
m ≥ n + 2,
where n is the complex dimension of M.

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