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2014-11-4 23:43| view publisher: amanda| views: 1003| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: Recent maternal mitochondrial DNA analysis suggests that Polynesians, including Samoans, Tongans, Niueans, Cook Islands Māori, Tahitian Mā'ohi, Hawaiian Māoli, Marquesans and New Zealand Māori, ar ...
Recent maternal mitochondrial DNA analysis suggests that Polynesians, including Samoans, Tongans, Niueans, Cook Islands Māori, Tahitian Mā'ohi, Hawaiian Māoli, Marquesans and New Zealand Māori, are genetically linked to indigenous peoples of parts of Southeast Asia including those of Taiwan.[4] This DNA evidence is supported by linguistic[5] and archaeological evidence.
Melton et al. (1995, 1998) have suggested a Taiwanese origin for the Polynesians, on the basis of mtDNA variation, but Richards et al. (1998) argued that an East Indonesian (Flores, Sumba, Lembata, Alor, Timor, Sulawesi, Moluccas) origin is more likely.[6][7][8]
A 2000 study into paternal Y chromosome analysis showed that Polynesians are also genetically linked to peoples of Melanesia.[9]
The "out of Taiwan model" was challenged by a 2008 study from Leeds University which was published in Molecular Biology and Evolution. Examination of mitochondrial DNA lineages shows that they have been evolving within Island Southeast Asia (ISEA) for a longer period than previously believed. Polynesians arrived in the Bismarck Archipelago of Papua New Guinea at least 6,000 to 8,000 years ago, and modern Polynesians are the result of a few Austronesian seafarers mixing with Melanesians.[10]
A study in 2008 argued that "79% of the Polynesian autosomal gene pool is of East Asian origin and 21% is of Melanesian origin."[11]
A study in 2008 argued that Polynesians are distinctive, and "tend to cluster with Micronesians, Taiwan Aborigines, and East Asians, and not Melanesians." The study's conclusion was that "the ancestors of Polynesians moved through Melanesia relatively rapidly."[12]

Female dancers of the Hawaii Islands depicted by Louis Choris, c. 1816

A portrait of Māori man, by Gottfried Lindauer.

Kava ('ava) makers (aumaga) of Samoa. A woman seated between two men with the round tanoa (or laulau) wooden bowl in front. Standing is a third man, distributor of the 'ava, holding the coconut shell cup (tauau) used for distributing the beverage.

The Polynesian peoples are shown below in there distinctive cultural groupings (populations of the larger groups are shown):

Eastern Polynesia
Kanaka Maoli: Hawai'i - 140,000 (including mixed 400,000)
Maohi: Tahiti - 120,000 (including mixed: 250,000+)
Cook Islands Māori: Cook Islands - 98,000+ (including New Zealand and Australian residents)
Māori: New Zealand Aotearoa - 790,000 (including mixed)
Moriori: Chatham Islands (Extinct, annihilated by the Māori in the 19th century)
Rapanui: Easter Island - ~5,000 (including mixtures and those living in Chile)
Austral Islanders: Austral Islands
Mangareva: Gambier Islands
Tuamotu: Tuamotu Archipelago
Marquesas Islanders: Marquesas Islands

Western Polynesia
Samoan: Samoa, American Samoa - 249,000 (from all countries: 400,000+)
Tongan: Tonga - 104,000 (from all countries: 150,000+)
Tuvaluan: Tuvalu - 10,000
Tokelauan: Tokelau
Niuean: Niue - ~20,000-25,000 (vast majority live in New Zealand)
Uvea and Futuna:Wallis and Futuna

Polynesian outliers
Kapingamarangi and Nukuoro: The Federated States of Micronesia
Nuguria, Nukumanu and Takuu: Papua New Guinea
Anuta, Bellona, Ontong Java, Rennel, Sikaiana, Tikopia and Vaeakau-Taumako: Solomon Islands
Emae, Makata, Mele (Erakoro, Eratapu), Aniwa, and Futuna: Vanuatu
Fagauvea: Ouvéa (New Caledonia)

Estimated total population: 2 million[1]

The Polynesian people consists of various ethnic groups that speak Polynesian languages, a branch of the Oceanic languages , and inhabit Polynesia. The native Polynesian people of New Zealand and Hawaii are minorities of their homelands.

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