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Sovereigns of Qin dynasty

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description: Note: King Zhaoxiang of Qin (秦昭襄王) had already been ruling Qin for 51 years when Qin annihilated the Zhou dynasty; however the other six warring states were still independent regimes. Some Chinese ...
Note: King Zhaoxiang of Qin (秦昭襄王) had already been ruling Qin for 51 years when Qin annihilated the Zhou dynasty; however the other six warring states were still independent regimes. Some Chinese historiographers thus used the next year (the 52nd year of King Zhaoxiang of Qin) as the official succession from the Zhou dynasty.
Qin Shihuang was the first Chinese sovereign to proclaim himself "Emperor", after reunifying China in 221 BC. That year is therefore generally taken by Western historians to be the start of the "Qin dynasty" which lasted for fifteen years until 206 when it was cut short by civil wars.[47]
Posthumous names / title    Chinese family names and given names    Period of Reigns
Convention: "Qin" + posthumous name
Zhaoxiang (昭襄 Zhāoxiāng)    Ying Ze (嬴則 yíng zé) or Ying Ji (嬴稷 yíng jì)    306 BC – 250 BC
Xiaowen (孝文 Xiàowén)    Ying Zhu (嬴柱 yíng zhù)    250 BC
Zhuangxiang (莊襄 Zhuāngxiāng)    Ying Zichu (嬴子楚 yíng zǐ chǔ)    249 BC – 247 BC
Qin dynasty (221 BC – 206 BC)
Shi Huangdi (始皇帝 Shǐ Huángdì)    Ying Zheng (嬴政 yíng zhèng)    246 BC – 210 BC
Er Shi Huangdi (二世皇帝 Èr Shì Huángdì)    Ying Huhai (嬴胡亥 yíng hú hài)    210 BC – 207 BC
Ziying was often referred using personal name or
Ziying, King of Qin (秦王子嬰 qín wáng zi yīng)
Did not exist    Ying Ziying (嬴子嬰 yíng zi yīng)    206 BC

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