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Historical capitals of China

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description: In alphabetical order:A'cheng (now a district of the city of Harbin), was the capital during the Jin Dynasty (1115-1234) from 1115 until 1153, called Shangjing Huining Fu. Destroyed in 1157 and re-est ...
In alphabetical order:
A'cheng (now a district of the city of Harbin), was the capital during the Jin Dynasty (1115-1234) from 1115 until 1153, called Shangjing Huining Fu. Destroyed in 1157 and re-established as a secondary capital of the empire in 1173.
Anyang was the capital during the Yin period of the Shang Dynasty (estimated between 1600 BC and 1046 BC): called Yin (殷, pinyin: Yīn).
Beijing (formerly Romanized as Peking, from Chinese Postal Map Romanization (CPMR); briefly known as Peip'ing in Wade-Giles (WG) or Běipíng in pinyin (py)), the Northern Capital, was and has been the capital of various Chinese governments including (sorted chronologically):
State of Yan (Yen in WG) in Spring and Autumn Period (722-481 BC): called Ji (薊, pinyin: Jì).
Liao Dynasty (907-1125), as a secondary capital: called Yanjing (燕京, pinyin: Yānjīng, "capital of Yan").
Jin Dynasty (1115-1234) from Emperor Shizong until 1215: called Zhongdu (中都, pinyin: Zhōngdū, "central capital").
Yuan Dynasty (1271 to 1368): called Dadu (大都, pinyin: Dàdū, "great capital") in Chinese, Daidu (a direct transliteration from Chinese[1]) in Mongolian and Khanbaliq ("city of the Khan") in the Turkic languages. This was reported as "Cambuluc" by Marco Polo.
Ming Dynasty from the time of the Ming Yongle Emperor (r. 1402/1424) until 1644 called Jīngshī (京師,"capital").
Qing Dynasty from the fall of the Ming in 1644 to the end of the dynasty in 1912.
The Beiyang Government of the Republic of China.
The current capital of the People's Republic of China.
Chengdu (WG: Ch'eng-tu) was the capital of the Shu Kingdom during the period of the Three Kingdoms. It was briefly the seat of Chiang's ROC government during the Chinese civil war with the Communist Party of China.
Chongqing (CPMR: Chungking) was the provisional capital of the government of Chiang Kai-shek during World War II (Second Chinese-Japanese War), and was briefly the seat of Chiang's ROC government during the Chinese civil war with the Communist Party of China.
Datong (WG: Ta-t'ong) was the capital during Northern Wei Dynasty before moving to Luoyang in 493.
Guangzhou (formerly Romanized Canton from CPMR)
Kingdom of Nanyue (206-111BC)
Republic of China: it was seat of the National Government before the Northern Expedition, and was briefly the seat of Chiang's ROC government during the Chinese civil war with the Communist Party of China.
Hangzhou (also Hangchou or Hangchow) was the capital of:
The Wuyue Kingdom (904-978), during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period.
China during the Southern Song Dynasty: called Lin'an (臨安 Lín'ān).
Fenghao was the capital during the Western Zhou Dynasty, located near present day Xi'an.
Kaifeng was the capital of various Chinese governments including (sorted chronologically):
Later Liang during the Period of Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms.
Later Jin during the Period of Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms.
Later Han during the Period of Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms.
Later Zhou during the Period of Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms.
Northern Song Dynasty: called Dongjing (東京 Dōngjīng).
Luoyang was the capital of various Chinese governments including (sorted chronologically):
Eastern Zhou Dynasty
Eastern Han Dynasty from 25 to 220
Kingdom of Wei during the Three Kingdoms.
Western Jin Dynasty
Northern Wei Dynasty since 493, moved its capital from Datong.
Zhou Dynasty from 690 to 705
Later Tang during the Period of Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms.
Later Liang during the Period of Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, from 909 to 913.
Nanjing (formerly Romanized Nanking (CPMR) or Nanching in WG), the Southern Capital was the capital of various Chinese governments including (sorted chronologically):
all of the Six Dynasties: called Jianye (建業 Jiànyè) or Jiankang (建康 Jiànkāng). The Six Dynasties are:
Kingdom of Wu during the Three Kingdoms.
Eastern Jin Dynasty
Liu Song Dynasty
Southern Qi Dynasty
Liang Dynasty
Chen Dynasty
Southern Tang during the Period of Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms.
Ming Dynasty before Yongle Emperor moved the capital to Beijing.
Taiping Tianguo (Heavenly Kingdom of Great Peace and Prosperity) during the Taiping Rebellion. Known as Tianjing (天京,literally 'Heavenly Capital') between 1853 and its fall in 1864.
Republic of China after the Northern Expedition until the Japanese invasion in 1937 of WWII, and after the war until Chiang Kai-Shek retreated to Taiwan in 1949.
Wang Jingwei's pro-Japanese collaborationist government.
Taipei has been the de facto capital of the Republic of China since 1949 when the government relocated to Taiwan.
Wuhan was the capital of a leftist Kuomintang government led by Wang Jingwei in opposition to Chiang Kaishek during the 1920s.
Xanadu (Shangdu) (上都) was the summer capital of Kublai Khan's empire.
Xi'an (WG: Hsi'an; called Chang'an in ancient times) was the capital of various Chinese governments including (sorted chronologically):
Western Zhou Dynasty, also see Fenghao.
State of Qin in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Qin Dynasty 221 BC-207 BC: Xi'an is located near the former Qin capital Xianyang (咸陽 Xiányáng).
Western Han Dynasty from 206 BC to AD 9
Xin Dynasty from 8 to 23
Eastern Han Dynasty
Western Jin Dynasty
State of Former Zhao, a state in the Sixteen Kingdoms period during the Jin Dynasty (265-420).
State of Former Qin from 351 to 394, during the Sixteen Kingdoms period.
State of Later Qin from 384 to 417, during the Sixteen Kingdoms period.
Western Wei Dynasty
Northern Zhou Dynasty
Sui Dynasty from 581 to 618
Tang Dynasty from 618 to 907
Ye was the capital of Eastern Wei Dynasty and Northern Qi Dynasty.
Government    Capital    Chinese    Period    Notes
Xia    Song    崇    Gun    
Yangcheng    陽城    Yu[2]    
Chu    鉏    Yi    
Qiongshi    窮石    Yi, Hanzhuo    
Zhen    斟    Taikang    
Diqiu    帝丘    Xiang    
Yuan    原    Zhu    
Laoqiu    老丘    Zhu    
Xihe    西河    Yinjia    
Zhen    斟    Jie    
Henan    河南    Jie[3]    
Shang    Bo    亳    Shang Tang[3]    
Fan    蕃    Xie    
Dishi    砥石    Zhaoming    
Shang    商    Zhaoming    
Shangqiu    商邱    Xiangtu    
Foot of Mount Tai    "泰山麓"    Xiangtu    
Shangqiu    商邱    Xiangtu    
Yin    殷    Shanghou    
Shangqiu    商邱    Yinhou    
Bo    "西"亳    Tang    
Xiao    囂    Zhongding    
Xiang    相    Hedanjia    
Xing    邢    Zuyi    
Bi    庇    Zuyi    
Yan    奄    Nan'geng    
Yin    殷    Pan'geng    
Zhou    Western    Zongzhou    宗周    1046 BC—771 BC    Western capital
Chengzhou    成周    1046 BC—771 BC    Eastern capital
Eastern    Chengzhou    成周    770 BC—367 BC    
"Henan"    河南    367 BC—256 BC    capital of the Western Zhou State
Gong    鞏    367 BC—249 BC    capital of the Eastern Zhou State
Qin    Xiquanqiu    西犬丘        
Pingyang    平陽    —677 BC    
Yong    雍    677 BC—    
Jingyang    涇陽    —383 BC    
Yueyang    櫟陽    383 BC—250 BC    
Xianyang    咸陽    350 BC—207 BC    
Han    Western    Luoyang    雒陽    202 BC    
Yueyang    櫟陽    202 BC—200 BC    
Chang'an    長安    200 BC—8 BC    
Xin    Chang'an    長安    8 CE—23 CE    
Han    Eastern    Luoyang    雒陽    25—190    
Chang'an    長安    191—195    
Xu    許    196—220    
Kingdoms    Wei    Luoyang    洛陽    220—265    
Shu    Chengdu    成都    221—263    
Wu    Jianye    建業    227—279    
Jin    Western    Luoyang    洛陽    265—313    
Chang'an    長安    313—316    
Eastern    Jiankang    建康    317—420    
dynasties    Wei    Pingcheng    平城    386—493    
Luoyang    洛陽    493—534    
Ye    鄴    534—550    capital of the Eastern Wei State
Chang'an    長安    535—557    capital of the Western Wei State
Qi    Ye    鄴    550—577    
Zhou    Chang'an    長安    557—581    
dynasties    Song    Jiankang    建康    420—479    
Qi    Jiankang    建康    479—502    
Liang    Jiankang    建康    502—557    
Chen    Jiankang    建康    557—589    
Sui    Dongdu    東都    581—618    
Daxing    大興    581—618    auxiliary capital
Tang    Chang'an    長安    618—690    
Luoyang    洛陽    657—690    auxiliary capital
Zhou    Luoyang    洛陽    690—705    
Tang    Chang'an    長安    705—904    
Luoyang    洛陽    705—736    auxiliary capital
Luoyang    洛陽    904—907    
dynasties    Liang    Dongdu    東都    907—923    
Tang    Dongdu    東都    923—936    
Jin    Dongjing    東京    936—947    
Han    Dongjing    東京    947—950    
Zhou    Dongjing    東京    951—960    
Song    Northern    Dongjing    東京    960—1127    
Southern    Nanjing    南京    1127—1129    After the fall of Dongjing, Zhao Gou declares himself Emperor Gaozong in Henan
Yangzhou    杨州    1129—1130    Flight of Emperor Gaozong during the Jin invasion of the Yangtze Delta in 1129—1130.
Zhenjiang    镇江
Lin'an    臨安
Yuezhou    越州
Mingzhou    明州
Dinghai    定海
Off the coast Taizhou, Wenzhou    "海上朝廷"
Zhang'an    章安
Yuezhou    越州
Lin'an    臨安    1130—1276    Song court settles in Lin'an for 146 years
Fuzhou    福州    1276—1277    Flight of Emperor Duanzong along the southeast coast following the fall of Lin'an in 1276.
Guangzhou    广州    1277—1278
Guanfuchang    官富场    1278
Gangzhou    碙州    Emperor Bingzong succeeds Duanzong on Lantau Island in modern Hong Kong
Yashan    厓山    1278—1279    Song court makes last stand off the coast of Yashan
Empire of the Khitan    Shangjing    上京    907—1120    
Nanjing    南京    1122—1123    
Tokmok    虎思斡耳朵    1134—1218    
Jin    Shangjing    上京    1115—1153    
Zhongdu    中都    1153—1214    
Nanjing    南京    1214—1234    
Western Xia    Xingqing        1038—1227    
Shangdu    上都    May 1264 — 1267    
Dadu    大都    1267[4] — August 1368    
Shangdu    上都    August 1368 — 1369    
Ming    Nanjing    南京    23 January 1368 — 2 February 1421    
Beijing    北京    2 February 1421 — 25 April 1644    
Nanjing    南京    1644 — 1645    
Fuzhou    福州    1645 — 1646    
Zhaoqing    肇慶    1646 — 25 April 1662    
Later Jin    Feiala    費阿拉    1587 — 1603    
Hetuala    赫圖阿拉    1603 — 1619    
Jiefan    界凡    1619 — September 1620    
Sarhu    薩爾滸    September 1620 — April 1621    
Dongjing    東京    April 1621 — 11 April 1625    
Shengjing    盛京    11 April 1625 — 1636    
Qing    Shengjing    盛京    1636 — 30 October 1644    
Peking    北京    30 October 1644[5] — 12 February 1912[6]    
Republic of China    Nanking    南京    1 January 1912 — 2 April 1912    Provisional Government
Beijing    北京    2 April 1912 — 30 May 1928    Beiyang Government[6]
Shenyang    奉天    30 May 1928 — 29 December 1928    Beiyang Government
Guangzhou    广州    1 July 1925 — 21 February 1927    Guangzhou Nationalist Government
Wuhan    武漢    21 February 1927 — 19 August 1927    Wuhan Nationalist Government[7]
Nanking    南京    18 April 1927 — 20 November 1937    the Nanjing decade[6]
Luoyang    洛陽    29 Jan 1932 — 1 December 1932    
Beijing    北平    9 September 1930 — 23 September 1930    Beiping Nationalist Government
Taiyuan    太原    23 September 1930 — 4 November 1930    Beiping Nationalist Government
Guangzhou    廣州    28 May 1931 — 22 December 1931    Guangzhou Nationalist Government
Chongqing    重慶    21 November 1937 — 5 May 1946    during the Second Sino-Japanese War[6]
Nanking    南京    30 March 1940 — 10 August 1945    Wang Jingwei Government
Nanking    南京    5 May 1946 — 23 April 1949[6]    
Guangzhou    廣州    23 April 1949 — 14 October 1949    during the Chinese Civil War
Chongqing    重慶    14 October 1949 — 30 November 1949    during the Chinese Civil War
Chengdu    成都    30 November 1949 — 27 December 1949    during the Chinese Civil War
Sichang    西昌    27 December 1949 — 27 March 1950    during the Chinese Civil War
Taipei    臺北    10 December 1949 — Present    
People's Republic of China    Beijing    北京    1 October 1949 — Present    

The Chinese phrase Four Great Ancient Capitals of China (simplified Chinese: 中国四大古都; traditional Chinese: 中國四大古都; pinyin: Zhōngguó Sì Dà Gǔdū) traditionally refers to Beijing (the current capital of the People's Republic), Nanjing, Luoyang, and Chang'an (Xi'an).
Due to additional evidence discovered since the 1930s, other historical capitals have been included in the list. The later phrase Seven Ancient Capitals of China includes Kaifeng (added in the 1920s as the fifth ancient capital), Hangzhou (the sixth, added in the 1930s), and Anyang (a proposal by numerous archaeologists in 1988, after which it finally became the seventh ancient capital). In 2004, the China Ancient Capital Society officially added Zhengzhou as an eighth due to archaeological finds from the early Shang Dynasty there.
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