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description: Although only one of his four children survived to adulthood, Antoninus came to be ancestor to generations of prominent Roman statesmen and socialites, including at least one empress consort and as th ...
Although only one of his four children survived to adulthood, Antoninus came to be ancestor to generations of prominent Roman statesmen and socialites, including at least one empress consort and as the maternal grandfather of the Emperor Commodus. The family of Antoninus Pius and Faustina the Elder also represents one of the few periods in ancient Roman history where the position of Emperor passed smoothly from father to son. Direct descendants of Antoninus and Faustina were confirmed to exist at least into the fifth century AD.
1. Marcus Aurelius Fulvius Antoninus (died before 138), died young without issue
2. Marcus Galerius Aurelius Antoninus (died before 138), died young without issue
3. Aurelia Fadilla (died in 135), died without issue
4. Faustina the Younger (16 February between 125 and 130 – 175), had thirteen children
A. Annia Aurelia Galeria Faustina (30 November 147 - after 165), had one child
I. Tiberius Claudius Severus Proculus (c. 163 - 218), had one child
a. Annia Faustina (about 201 – after 222), had two children
i. Pomponia Ummidia (219 - after 275), died without known issue
ii. Pomponius Bassus (220 - after 271), had one child
i. Pomponia Bassa (born c. 250), had one child
i. Septimius Bassus, had one child
i. Septimia (born c. 305), had one child[45]
i. Lucius Valerius Septimius Bassus (c. 328 - aft. 379 or 383), had one child
i. Valerius Adelphius Bassus (c. 360 – aft. 383), had one child
i. Valerius Adelphius (born c. 385), had one child
i. Adelphia (c. 410 - aft. 459), had possibly one child
i. Anicia Ulfina[46]
B. Gemellus Lucillae (7 March 148 or 150 - c. 150), died young without issue
C. Lucilla (7 March 148 or 150 - 182), had four children
I. Aurelia Lucilla (born 165), died young without issue
II. Lucilla Plautia (after 165 - 182), died without issue
III. Lucius Verus, died young without issue
IV. Pompeianus (170 – between 212 and 217), died without issue
D. Titus Aelius Antoninus (after 150 - before 7 March 161), died young without issue
E. Titus Aelius Aurelius (after 150 - before 7 March 161), died young without issue
F. Hadrianus (152 - 157), died young without issue
G. Domitia Faustina (after 150 - before 7 March 161), died young without issue
H. Fadilla (159 - after 192), had two children
I. Plautius Quintillus
II. Plautia Servilla
I. Annia Cornificia Faustina Minor (160 - after 211), had one child
I. Petronius Antoninus (after 173 - between 190 and 192), died young without issue
J. Titus Aurelius Fulvius Antoninus (161 - 165), died young without issue
K. Commodus (31 August 161 – 31 December 192), died without issue
L. Marcus Annius Verus Caesar (after May 162 – 10 September 169), died young without issue
M. Vibia Aurelia Sabina (170 - before 217), died without issue
Nerva–Antonine family tree
(1) = 1st spouse
(2) = 2nd spouse (not shown)
(3) = 3rd spouse
Darker purple indicates Emperor of the Nerva-Antonine dynasty; lighter purple indicates designated imperial heir of said dynasty who never reigned
dashed lines indicate adoption; dotted lines indicate love affairs/unmarried relationships
small caps = posthumously deified (Augusti, Augustae, or other)

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