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Sub-Saharan Africa

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description: Geographers historically divided the region into several distinct ethnographic sections based on each area's respective inhabitants.Commentators in Arabic in the medieval period used the general term ...
Geographers historically divided the region into several distinct ethnographic sections based on each area's respective inhabitants.[9]
Commentators in Arabic in the medieval period used the general term bilâd as-sûdân ("Land of the Blacks") for the vast Sudan region (an expression denoting West and Central Africa[10]), or sometimes extending from the coast of West Africa to Western Sudan.[11] Its equivalent in Southeast Africa was Zanj ("Country of the Blacks"), which was situated in the vicinity of the Great Lakes region.[9][11]
The geographers drew an explicit ethnographic distinction between the Sudan region and its analogue Zanj, from the area to their extreme east on the Red Sea coast in the Horn of Africa.[9] In modern-day Ethiopia was Al-Habash or Abyssinia,[12] which was inhabited by the Habash or Abyssinians, who were the forebears of the Habesha.[13] In northern Somalia was Barbara or the Bilad al-Barbar ("Land of the Berbers"), which was inhabited by the Eastern Baribah or Barbaroi, as the ancestors of the Somalis were referred to by medieval Arab and ancient Greek geographers, respectively.[9][14][15][16]
Climate zones and ecoregions  -
Further information: Afrotropic ecozone, Tropical and subtropical grasslands, savannas, and shrublands and List of tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests ecoregions

Climate zones of Africa, showing the ecological break between the desert climate of the Sahara and the Horn of Africa (red), the semi-arid Sahel (orange) and the tropical climate of Central and Western Africa (blue). Southern Africa has a transition to semi-tropical or temperate climates (green), and more desert or semi-arid regions, centered on Namibia and Botswana.
Sub-Saharan Africa has a wide variety of climate zones or biomes. South Africa and the Democratic Republic of the Congo in particular are considered Megadiverse countries.
The Sahel shoots across all of Africa at a latitude of about 10° to 15° N. Countries that include parts of the Sahara proper in their northern territories and parts of the Sahel in their southern region include Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Chad and Sudan.
South of the Sahel, there is a belt of savanna, (Guinean forest-savanna mosaic, Northern Congolian forest-savanna mosaic) widening to include most of South Sudan and Ethiopia in the east (East Sudanian savanna).
The Horn of Africa includes arid semi-desert along its coast, contrasting with savannah and moist broadleaf forests in the interior of Ethiopia.
Africa's tropical rainforest stretches along the southern coast of West Africa and dominates Central Africa (the Congo) west of the African Great Lakes
The Eastern Miombo woodlands are an ecoregion of Tanzania, Malawi, and Mozambique.
The Serengeti ecosystem is located in northwestern Tanzania and extends to southwestern Kenya.
The Kalahari Basin includes the Kalahari Desert surrounded by a belt of semi-desert.
The Bushveld is a tropical savanna ecoregion of Southern Africa.
The Karoo is a semi-desert in western South Africa.
History  -
Main article: History of Africa
The wheel was barely used in Sub-Saharan Africa into the 19th century, its adoption only occurring after the arrival of Europeans as they explored the region and then moved to exploit it. Sudan, Somalia, and Ethiopia were the only African countries to innovate systems of writing; only Ethiopia invented the plow.[17]
Prehistory  -
According to paleontology, early hominid skull anatomy was similar to their close cousins, the great African forest apes, gorilla and chimpanzee, but they had adopted a bipedal locomotion and freed hands giving them a crucial advantage enabling them to live in both forested areas and on the open savanna at a time when Africa was drying up, with savanna encroaching on forested areas. This occurred 10 million to 5 million years ago.[18]

Stone chopping tool from Olduvai Gorge.
By 3 million years ago several australopithecine hominid species had developed throughout southern, eastern and central Africa. They were tool users rather than tool manufacturers. The next major evolutionary step occurred around 2.3 million BCE, when primitive stone tools were used to scavenge the carcasses of animals killed by other predators, both for their meat and their marrow. In hunting, H. habilis was most likely not capable of competing with large predators and was more prey than hunter, although H. habilis probably did steal eggs from nests and may have been able to catch small game and weakened larger prey such as cubs and older animals. The tools were classed as Oldowan.[19]
Roughly 1.8 million years ago, Homo ergaster first appeared in the fossil record in Africa. From Homo ergaster, Homo erectus (upright man) evolved 1.5 million years ago. Some of the earlier representatives of this species were small-brained and used primitive stone tools, much like H. habilis. The brain later grew in size, and H. erectus eventually developed a more complex stone tool technology called the Acheulean. Potentially the first hominid to engage in hunting, H. erectus mastered the art of making fire. They were the first hominids to leave Africa, going on to colonize the entire Old World, and perhaps later on giving rise to Homo floresiensis. Although some recent writers suggest that H. georgicus, a H. habilis descendant, was the first and most primitive hominid to ever live outside Africa, many scientists consider H. georgicus to be an early and primitive member of the H. erectus species.[20]
The fossil record shows Homo sapiens living in southern and eastern Africa anywhere from 100,000 to 150,000 years ago. Between 50,000 and 60,000 years ago, their expansion out of Africa launched the colonization of the planet by modern humans. By 10,000 BCE, Homo sapiens had spread to all corners of the world. This dispersal of the human species is suggested by linguistic, cultural and genetic evidence.[19][21][22]
After the Sahara became a desert, it did not present a totally impenetrable barrier for travelers between north and south because of the application of animal husbandry towards carrying water, food, and supplies across the desert. Prior to the introduction of the camel,[23] the use of oxen, mule, and horses for desert crossing was common, and trade routes followed chains of oases that were strung across the desert. The trans-saharan trade was in full motion by 500 BCE with Carthage being a major economic force for its establishment.[24][25][26] It is thought that the camel was first brought to Egypt after the Persian Empire conquered Egypt in 525 BCE, although large herds did not become common enough in North Africa for camels to be the pack animal of choice for the trans-saharan trade.[27]
Central Africa  -
Main article: Central Africa

Nzinga Mbande, queen of the Bantu Ndongo and Matamba kingdoms.
Archeological finds in Central Africa provide evidence of human settlement that may date back over 100,000 years.[28] According to Zangato and Holl, there is evidence of iron-smelting in the Central African Republic and Cameroon that may date back to 3000 to 2500 BCE.[29] Extensive walled sites and settlements have recently been found in Zilum, Chad approximately 60 km (37 mi) southwest of Lake Chad dating to the first millennium BCE.[30][31]
Trade and improved agricultural techniques supported more sophisticated societies, leading to the early civilizations of Sao, Kanem, Bornu, Shilluk, Baguirmi, and Wadai.[32]
Following the Bantu Migration into Central Africa, during the 14th century, the Luba Kingdom in southeast Congo came about under a king whose political authority came from religious spiritual legitimacy. The kingdom controlled agriculture and trade in the region of salt and iron from the north and copper from the Zambian/Congo copper belt.[33]
Rival kingship factions which split from the Luba Kingdom later moved among the Lunda people, marrying into its elite and laying the foundation of the Lunda Empire in the 16th century. The ruling dynasty centralised authority among the Lunda under the Mwata Yamyo or Mwaant Yaav. The Mwata Yamyo's legitimacy, like the Luba king, came from being viewed as a spiritual religious guardian. This system of religious spiritual kings was spread to most of central Africa by rivals in kingship migrating and forming new states. Many new states received legitimacy by claiming descent from the Lunda dynasties.[33]
The Kingdom of Kongo existed from the Atlantic west to the Kwango river to the east. During the 15th century, the Bakongo farming community was united with the capital at Mbanza Kongo, under the king title, Manikongo.[33] Other significant states and peoples included the Kuba Kingdom, producers of the famous raffia cloth, the Eastern Lunda, Bemba, Burundi, Rwanda, and the Kingdom of Ndongo.
Horn of Africa  -
Main article: Horn_of_Africa § History
Further information: History of Ethiopia, History of Somalia and History of Eritrea

Stone city of Gondershe, Somalia.
The Axumite Empire spanned the southern Sahara and the Sahel along the western shore of the Red Sea. Located in northern Ethiopia and Eritrea, Aksum was deeply involved in the trade network between India and the Mediterranean. Growing from the proto-Aksumite Iron Age period circa the 4th century BCE, it rose to prominence by the 1st century CE. The Aksumites constructed monolithic stelae to cover the graves of their kings, such as King Ezana's Stele. The later Zagwe dynasty, established in the 12th century, built churches out of solid rock. These rock-hewn structures include the Church of St. George at Lalibela.

Fasilides Castle, Ethiopia.
In ancient Somalia, city-states flourished such as Opone, Mosyllon and Malao that competed with the Sabaeans, Parthians and Axumites for the wealthy Indo–Greco–Roman trade.[34]
In the Middle Ages, several powerful Somali empires dominated the regional trade including the Ajuuraan State, which excelled in hydraulic engineering and fortress building,[35] the Sultanate of Adal, whose General Ahmed Gurey was the first African commander in history to use cannon warfare on the continent during Adal's conquest of the Ethiopian Empire,[36] and the Geledi Sultanate, whose military dominance forced governors of the Omani empire north of the city of Lamu to pay tribute to the Somali Sultan Ahmed Yusuf.[37] In the late 19th century after the Berlin conference had ended, European empires sailed with their armies to the Horn of Africa. The imperial armies in Somalia alarmed the Dervish leader Muhammad Abdullah Hassan, who gathered Somali soldiers from across the Horn of Africa and began one of the longest colonial resistance wars ever.
Southern Africa  -
Main article: History of Southern Africa
Further information: Kingdom of Mutapa
Settlements of Bantu-speaking peoples, who were iron-using agriculturists and herdsmen, were already present south of the Limpopo River by the 4th or 5th century displacing and absorbing the original Khoisan speakers. They slowly moved south, and the earliest ironworks in modern-day KwaZulu-Natal Province are believed to date from around 1050. The southernmost group was the Xhosa people, whose language incorporates certain linguistic traits from the earlier Khoi-San people, reaching the Fish River in today's Eastern Cape Province.

Great Zimbabwe: Tower in the Great Enclosure.
Monomotapa was a medieval kingdom (c. 1250–1629) that used to exist between the Zambezi and Limpopo rivers of Southern Africa, in the territory of modern-day Zimbabwe and Mozambique. Famous are the ruins at its old capital of Great Zimbabwe.
In 1487, Bartolomeu Dias became the first European to reach the southernmost tip of Africa. In 1652, a victualling station was established at the Cape of Good Hope by Jan van Riebeeck on behalf of the Dutch East India Company. For most of the 17th and 18th centuries, the slowly expanding settlement was a Dutch possession.
Great Britain seized the Cape of Good Hope area in 1795, ostensibly to prevent it from falling into the hands of the French but also to use Cape Town in particular as a stop on the route to Australia and India. It was later returned to the Dutch in 1803, but soon afterwards the Dutch East India Company declared bankruptcy, and the British annexed the Cape Colony in 1806.
The Zulu Kingdom (1817–79) was a Southern African tribal state in what is now Kwa-Zulu Natal in southeastern South Africa. The small kingdom gained world fame during and after the Anglo-Zulu War.
During the 1950s and early 1960s, most Sub-Saharan African nations achieved independence from colonial rule.[38]
Southeast Africa  -
Further information: Southeast Africa
According to the theory of recent African origin of modern humans, the mainstream position held within the scientific community, all humans originate from either Southeast Africa or the Horn of Africa.[39] During the first millennium AD, Nilotic and Bantu-speaking peoples moved into the region, and the latter now account for three-quarters of Kenya's population.

The Tongoni Ruins south of Tanga in Tanzania.
On the coastal section of Southeast Africa, a mixed Bantu community developed through contact with Muslim Arab and Persian traders, leading to the development of the mixed Arab, Persian and African Swahili City States.[40] The Swahili culture that emerged from these exchanges evinces many Arab and Islamic influences not seen in traditional Bantu culture, as do the many Afro-Arab members of the Bantu Swahili people. With its original speech community centered on the coastal parts of Tanzania (particularly Zanzibar) and Kenya—a seaboard referred to as the Swahili Coast—the Bantu Swahili language contains many Arabic loan-words as a consequence of these interactions.[41]
The earliest Bantu inhabitants of the Southeast coast of Kenya and Tanzania encountered by these later Arab and Persian settlers have been variously identified with the trading settlements of Rhapta, Azania and Menouthias [42] referenced in early Greek and Chinese writings from 50 CE to 500 CE,[43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50] ultimately giving rise to the name for Tanzania.[51][52] These early writings perhaps document the first wave of Bantu settlers to reach Southeast Africa during their migration.[53]
Between the 14th and 15th centuries, large Southeast African kingdoms and states emerged, such as the Buganda [54] and Karagwe [54] Kingdoms of Uganda and Tanzania.
During the early 1960s, the Southeast African nations achieved independence from colonial rule.
Sudan  -
Further information: History of Sudan

Sphinx of the Nubian Emperor Taharqa
Nubia in present day Northern Sudan and Southern Egypt, was referred to as "Aethiopia" ("land of the burnt face") by the Greeks.[55]
Nubia at her greatest phase is considered Sub-Saharan Africa's oldest urban civilisation. Nubia was a major source of gold for the ancient world. Nubians built famous structures and numerous pyramids. Sudan, the site of ancient Nubia, has more pyramids than anywhere in the world.[56]
Western Africa  -
Main article: History of West Africa
Further information: Ghana Empire, Mali Empire, Songhay Empire, Kingdom of Benin and Kingdom of Nri

Nok sculpture, terracotta, Louvre
The Bantu expansion is a major migration movement originating in West Africa around 2500 BCE, reaching East and Central Africa by 1000 BCE and Southern Africa by the early centuries AD.
The Nok culture is known from a type of terracotta figure found in Nigeria, dating to between 500 BCE and AD 200.
There were a number of medieval empires of the southern Sahara and the Sahel, based on trans-Saharan trade, including the Ghana Empire and the Mali Empire, Songhai Empire, the Kanem Empire and the subsequent Bornu Empire.[57] They built stone structures like in Tichit, but mainly constructed in adobe. The Great Mosque of Djenne is most reflective of Sahelian architecture and is the largest adobe building in the world.

Fortifications were significant in West Africa; the Walls of Benin were one of the largest man-made structures in the world.[58][59]
In the forest zone, several states and empires emerged. The Ashanti Empire arose in the 16th century in modern day Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire. The oldest kingdom in Nigeria, the Kingdom of Nri, was established by the Igbo in the 11th century. Nri was famous for having a priest-king who wielded no military power. Nri was a rare African state as it never dealt in the trade of slaves. All slaves and outcasts who sought refuge in their territory were freed. Other major states included the kingdoms of Ifẹ and Oyo in the western block of Nigeria which became prominent about 700–900 and 1400 respectively, and center of Yoruba culture. The Yoruba's built massive mud walls around their cities, the most famous being Sungbo's Eredo. Another prominent kingdom in southwestern Nigeria was the Kingdom of Benin whose power lasted between the 15th and 19th century. Their dominance reached as far as the well known city of Eko which was named Lagos by the Portuguese traders and other early European settlers. The Edo speaking people of Benin are known for the Walls of Benin, which is the largest man-made structure in the world.
In the 18th century, the Oyo and the Aro confederacy were responsible for most of the slaves exported from Nigeria, with Great Britain, France and Portugal shipping the majority of the slaves.[60] Following the Napoleonic Wars, the British expanded trade with the Nigerian interior. In 1885, British claims to a West African sphere of influence received international recognition, and in the following year the Royal Niger Company was chartered under the leadership of Sir George Taubman Goldie. In 1900, the company's territory came under the control of the British Government, which moved to consolidate its hold over the area of modern Nigeria. On 1 January 1901, Nigeria became a British protectorate, part of the British Empire, the foremost world power at the time.
By 1960, most of the region achieved independence from colonial rule.
Demographics  -
Main article: Demographics of Africa

Life expectancy has fallen drastically in Southern Africa since the 1990s as a result of HIV.
The Sub-Saharan African countries form the bulk of the ACP countries. Malaria is a chronic impediment to economic development. The disease slows growth by about 1.3% per year through lost time caused by illness and the cost of treatment and prevention measures. According to the World Bank, the region's GDP would have been 32% higher in 2003 had the disease been eradicated in 1960.[61]
The population of Sub-Saharan Africa was 800 million in 2007.[62] The current growth rate is 2.3%. The UN predicts for the region a population of nearly 1.5 billion by 2050.[63] The region has very serious overpopulation problems.[64]
Sub-Saharan African countries top the list of countries and territories by fertility rate with 40 of the highest 50, all with TFR greater than 4 in 2008. All are above the world average except South Africa. Figures for life expectancy, malnourishment, infant mortality, and HIV/AIDS infections are also dramatic. More than 40% of the population in sub-Saharan countries is younger than 15 years old, as well as in the Sudan with the exception of South Africa.[65]
Sub-Saharan Africa has a very high child mortality rate. While in 2002, 17% of children died before the age of five,[66] by 2007 this rate had declined to 15%.[67] The leading cause of death was malaria infection.[61]
Foreign direct investment (FDI) in Africa has grown at an average of 146% annually over the last 22 years to reach US$36 billion in 2007, while trade between Africa and the rest of the world (particularly Asia) has been steadily increasing. Bilateral trade between China and Africa jumped 45% in 2008 to reach US$107 billion, the bulk of which went to Sub-Saharan Africa.
Country    Population    Area    Literacy(M/F)[68]    GDP per Capita[68]    Trans(Rank/Score)[69]    Life(Exp.)[68]    HDI    EODBR/SAB[70]    PFI(RANK/MARK)
 Angola    18,498,000    1,246,700    82.9%/54.2%    9000    168/2    42.4    0.486    172/171    132/58,43
 Burundi    8,988,091    27,830    67.3%/52.2%    101    168/1.8    49    0.316    176/130    103/29,00
 Democratic Republic of the Congo    68,692,542    2,345,410    80.9%/54.1%    91    162/11.9    46.1    0.286    182/152    146/53,50
 Rwanda    10,473,282    26,338    71.4%/59.8%    263    89/3.3    46.8    0.429    67/11    157/64,67
 São Tomé and Príncipe    212,679    1,001    92.2%/77.9%    N/A    111/2.8    65.2    0.509    180/140    NA
 Cameroon    18,879,301    475,440    77%/59.8%    687    146/2.2    50.3    0.482    171/174    109/30,50
 Central African Republic    4,511,488    622,984    64.8%/33.5%    22    158/2.8    44.4    0.343    183/159    80/17,75
 Chad    10,329,208    1,284,000    40.8%/12.8%    266    175/1.6    50.6    0.328    178/182    132/44,50
 Republic of the Congo    3,700,000    342,000    90.5%/ 79.0%    1,145    162/1.9    54.8    0.533    N/A    116/34,25
 Equatorial Guinea    633,441    28,051    93.4%/80.3%    7,470    168/1.8    51.1    0.537    170/178    158/65,50
 Gabon    1,514,993    267,667    88.5%/79.7%    4,263    106/2.9    56.7    0.674    158/152    129/43,50
 Kenya    39,002,772    582,650    77.7%/70.2    976    146/2.2    57.8    0.519    95/124    96/25,00
 Tanzania    41,048,532    945,087    77.5%/62.2%    339    126/2.6    51.9    0.466    131/120    NA/15,50
 Uganda    32,369,558    236,040    76.8%/57.7    274    130/2.5    50.7    0.446    112/129    86/21,50
 Sudan    31,894,000    1,886,068    79.6%/60.8%    2,500[71]    176/1.5    62.57[72]    0.408    154/118    148/54,00
 South Sudan    8,260,490    619,745                            
 Djibouti    516,055    23,000    N/A    817    111/2.8    54.5    0.430    163/177    110/31,00
 Eritrea    5,647,168    121,320    N/A    160    126/2.6    57.3    0.349    175/181    175/115,50
 Ethiopia    85,237,338    1,127,127    50%/28.8%    161    120/2.7    52.5    0.363    107/93    140/49,00
 Somalia    9,832,017    637,657    N/A    N/A    180/1.1    47.7    N/A    N/A    164/77,50
 Botswana    1,990,876    600,370    80.4%/81.8%    8,532    37/5.6    49.8    0.633    45/83    62/15,50
 Comoros    752,438    2,170    N/A    382    143/2.3    63.2    0.433    162/168    82/19,00
 Lesotho    2,130,819    30,355    73.7%/90.3%    528    89/3.3    42.9    0.450    130/131    99/27,50
 Madagascar    19,625,000    587,041    76.5%/65.3%    238    99/3.0    59    0.480    134/12    134/45,83
 Malawi    14,268,711    118,480    N/A    145    89/3.3    47.6    0.400    132/128    62/15,50
 Mauritius    1,284,264    2,040    88.2%/80.5%    4,522    42/5.4    73.2    0.728    17/10    51/14,00
 Mozambique    21,669,278    801,590    N/A    330    130/2.5    42.5    0.322    135/96    82/19,00
 Namibia    2,108,665    825,418    86.8%/83.6%    2166    56/4.5    52.5    0.625    66/123    35/9,00
 Seychelles    87,476    455    91.4%/92.3%    7,005    54/4.8    72.2    0.773    111/81    72/16,00
 South Africa    49,052,489    1,219,912    N/A    3,562    55/4.7    50.7    0.619    34/67    33/8,50
 Swaziland    1,123,913    17,363    80.9%/78.3%    1,297    79/3.6    40.8    0.522    115/158    144/52,50
 Zambia    11,862,740    752,614    N/A    371    99/3.0    41.7    0.430    90/94    97/26,75
 Zimbabwe    11,392,629    390,580    92.7%/86.2%    N/A    146/2.2    42.7    0.376    159/155    136/46,50
 Benin    8,791,832    112,620    47.9%/42.3%    323    106/2.9    56.2    0.427    172/155    97/26,75
 Mali    12,666,987    1,240,000    32.7%/15.9%    290    111/2.8    53.8    0.359    156/139    38/8,00
 Burkina Faso    15,730,977    274,200    25.3%    1,360    79/3.6    51    0.331    150/116    N/A
 Cape Verde    499,000    322,462                            
 Côte d'Ivoire    20,617,068    322,463                            
 Gambia    1,782,893    11,295                            
 Ghana    24,200,000    238,535                            
 Guinea    10,057,975    245,857                            
 Guinea-Bissau    1,647,000    36,125                            
 Liberia    4,128,572    111,369                            
 Mauritania    3,359,185    1,030,700                            
 Niger    17,129,076    1,267,000                            
 Nigeria    174,507,539    923,768                            
 Senegal    12,855,153    196,712                            
 Sierra Leone    6,190,280    71,740                            
 Togo    7,154,237    56,785                            
GDP Per Capital (2006 in dollars($)), Life(Exp.) (Life Expectancy 2006), Literacy(Male/Female 2006), Trans (Transparency 2009), HDI (Human Development Index), EODBR (Ease of Doing Business Rank June 2008 through May 2009), SAB (Starting a Business June 2008 through May 2009), PFI (Press Freedom Index 2009)
Economy  -
Main article: Economy of Africa
By the mid-2010s, private capital flows to Sub-Saharan Africa—primarily from the BRICs, private-sector investment portfolios, and remittances—began to exceed official development assistance.[73]
Energy and power  -
Fifty percent of Africa is rural with no access to electricity. Africa generates 47 GW of electricity, less than 0.6% of the global market share. Many countries are affected by power shortages.[74]

The Athlone Power Station in Cape Town, South Africa.
Because of rising prices in commodities such as coal and oil, thermal sources of energy are proving to be too expensive for power generation. Sub-Saharan Africa is expected to build additional hydropower generation capacity of at least 20,165 MW by 2014. The region has the potential to generate 1,750 TWh of energy, of which only 7% has been explored. The failure to exploit its full energy potential is largely due to significant underinvestment, as at least 4 times as much (approximately $23 billion a year) and what is currently spent is invested in operating high cost power systems and not on expanding the infrastructure.[75]
African governments are taking advantage of the readily available water resources to broaden their energy mix. Hydro Turbine Markets in Sub-Saharan Africa generated revenues of $120.0 million in 2007 and is estimated to reach $425.0 million.[when?] Asian countries, notably China, India, and Japan, are playing an active role in power projects across the African continent. The majority of these power projects are hydro-based because of China's vast experience in the construction of hydro-power projects and part of the Energy & Power Growth Partnership Services programme.[76][77]
With electrification numbers, Sub-Saharan Africa with access to the Sahara and being in the tropical zones has massive potential for solar photovoltaic electrical potential.[78] Six hundred million people could be served with electricity based on its photovoltaic potential.[79] China is promising to train 10,000 technicians from Africa and other developing countries in the use of solar energy technologies over the next five years. Training African technicians to use solar power is part of the China-Africa science and technology cooperation agreement signed by Chinese science minister Xu Guanhua and African counterparts during premier Wen Jiabao's visit to Ethiopia in December 2003.[80]
The New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) is developing an integrated, continent-wide energy strategy.[75] This has been funded by, amongst others, the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund.[75] These projects must be:[75]
involve a cross-border dimension and/or have a regional impact
involve public and private capital
contribute to poverty alleviation and economic development
involve at least one country in Sub-Saharan Africa
Media  -
Radio is the major source of information in Sub-Saharan Africa.[81] Average coverage stands at more than a third of the population. Countries such as Gabon, Seychelles, and South Africa boast almost 100% penetration. Only five countries—Burundi, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Somalia—still have a penetration of less than 10%. Broadband penetration outside of South Africa has been limited where it is exorbitantly expensive.[82][83] Access to the internet via cell phones is on the rise.[84]
Television is the second major source of information.[81] Because of power shortages, the spread of television viewing has been limited. Eight percent have television, a total of 62 million. But those in the television industry view the region as an untapped green market. Digital television and pay for service are on the rise.[85]
Infrastructure  -

Skyline of Libreville, Gabon.
According to researchers at the Overseas Development Institute, the lack of infrastructure in many developing countries represents one of the most significant limitations to economic growth and achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).[75][86][87] Less than 40% of rural Africans live within two kilometers of an all-season road, the lowest level of rural accessibility in the developing world. Spending on roads averages just below 2% of GDP with varying degree among countries. This compares with 1% of GDP that is typical in industrialised countries, and 2–3% of GDP found in fast-growing emerging economies. Although the level of effort is high relative to the size of Africa's economies, it remains little in absolute terms, with low-income countries spending an average of about US$7 per capita per year.[88] Infrastructure investments and maintenance can be very expensive, especially in such as areas as landlocked, rural and sparsely populated countries in Africa.[75]
Infrastructure investments contributed to Africa's growth, and increased investment is necessary to maintain growth and tackle poverty.[75][86][87] The returns to investment in infrastructure are very significant, with on average 30–40% returns for telecommunications (ICT) investments, over 40% for electricity generation and 80% for roads.[75]
In Africa, it is argued that in order to meet the MDGs by 2015 infrastructure investments would need to reach about 15% of GDP (around $93 billion a year).[75] Currently, the source of financing varies significantly across sectors.[75] Some sectors are dominated by state spending, others by overseas development aid (ODA) and yet others by private investors.[75] In Sub-Saharan Africa, the state spends around $9.4 billion out of a total of $24.9 billion.[75] In irrigation, SSA states represent almost all spending; in transport and energy a majority of investment is state spending; in ICT and water supply and sanitation, the private sector represents the majority of capital expenditure.[75] Overall, aid, the private sector and non-OECD financiers between them exceed state spending.[75] The private sector spending alone equals state capital expenditure, though the majority is focused on ICT infrastructure investments.[75] External financing increased from $7 billion (2002) to $27 billion (2009). China, in particular, has emerged as an important investor.[75]
Oil and minerals  -

Phenakite from the Jos Plateau, Plateau State, Nigeria.
The region is a major exporter to the world of gold, uranium, chrome, vanadium, antimony, coltan, bauxite, iron ore, copper and manganese. South Africa is a major exporter of manganese[89] as well as Chromium. About 42% of world reserves and about 75% of the world reserve base of chromium are located in South Africa.[90] South Africa is the largest producer of platinum, with 80% of the total world's annual mine production and 88% of the world's platinum reserve.[91] Sub-saharan Africa produces 33% of the world's bauxite with Guinea as the major supplier.[92] Zambia is a major producer of copper.[93] Democratic Republic of Congo is a major source of coltan. Production from Congo is very small but has 80% of proven reserves.[94] Sub-saharan Africa is a major producer of gold, producing up to 30% of global production. Major suppliers are South Africa, Ghana, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Guinea, and Mali. South Africa had been first in the world in terms of gold production since 1905, but in 2007 it moved to second place, according to GFMS, the precious metals consultancy.[95] Uranium is major commodity from the region. Significant suppliers are Niger, Namibia, and South Africa. Namibia was the number one supplier from Sub-Saharan Africa in 2008.[96] The region produces 49% of the world's diamonds.
By 2015, it is estimated that 25% of North American oil will be from Sub-Saharan Africa, ahead of the Middle East. Sub-Saharan Africa has been the focus of an intense race for oil by the West, China, India, and other emerging economies, even though it holds only 10% of proven oil reserves, less than the Middle East. This race has been referred to as the second Scramble for Africa. All reasons for this global scramble come from the reserves' economic benefits. Transportation cost is low and no pipelines have to be laid as in Central Asia. Almost all reserves are offshore, so political turmoil within the host country will not directly interfere with operations. Sub-Saharan oil is viscous, with a very low sulfur content. This quickens the refining process and effectively reduces costs. New sources of oil are being located in Sub-Saharan Africa more frequently than anywhere else. Of all new sources of oil, 1/3 are in Sub-Saharan Africa.[97]
Agriculture  -

Agricultural fields in Rwanda's Eastern Province.
Sub-Saharan Africa has more variety of grains than anywhere in the world. Between 13,000 and 11,000 BC wild grains began to be collected as a source of food in the cataract region of the Nile, south of Egypt. The collecting of wild grains as source of food spread to Syria, parts of Turkey, and Iran by the eleventh millennium BC. By the tenth and ninth millennia southwest Asians domesticated their wild grains, wheat, and barley after the notion of collecting wild grains spread from the Nile.[98]
Numerous crops have been domesticated in the region and spread to other parts of the world. These crops included sorghum, castor beans, coffee, cotton[99] okra, black-eyed peas, watermelon, gourd, and pearl millet. Other domesticated crops included teff, enset, African rice, yams, kola nuts, oil palm, and raffia palm.[98][100]
Domesticated animals include the guinea fowl and the donkey.
Agriculture represents 20% to 30% of GDP and 50% of exports. In some cases, 60% to 90% of the labor force are employed in agriculture.[101] Most agricultural activity is subsistence farming. This has made agricultural activity vulnerable to climate change and global warming. Biotechnology has been advocated to create high yield, pest and environmentally resistant crops in the hands of small farmers. The Bill and Malinda Gates foundation is a strong advocate and donor to this cause. Biotechnology and GM crops have met resistance both by natives and environmental groups.[102]
Cash crops include cotton, coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, and tobacco.[103]
The OECD says Africa has the potential to become an agricultural superbloc if it can unlock the wealth of the savannahs by allowing farmers to use their land as collateral for credit.[104] There is such international interest in Sub-Saharan agriculture, that the World Bank increased its financing of African agricultural programs to $1.3 billion in the 2011 fiscal year.[105] Recently, there has been a trend to purchase large tracts of land in Sub-Sahara for agricultural use by developing countries.[86][87] Early in 2009, George Soros highlighted a new farmland buying frenzy caused by growing population, scarce water supplies and climate change. Chinese interests bought up large swathes of Senegal to supply it with sesame. Aggressive moves by China, South Korea and Gulf states to buy vast tracts of agricultural land in Sub-Saharan Africa could soon be limited by a new global international protocol.[106]

Sub-Saharan Africa is, geographically, the area of the continent of Africa that lies south of the Sahara Desert. Politically, it consists of all African countries that are fully or partially located south of the Sahara (excluding Sudan).[2] It contrasts with North Africa, which is considered a part of the Arab world. Somalia, Djibouti, Comoros, and Mauritania are geographically part of Sub-Saharan Africa, but also part of the Arab world.[3][4]
The Sahel is the transitional zone between the Sahara and the tropical savanna (the Sudan region) and forest-savanna mosaic to the south.
Since probably 3500 B.C.,[5][6] the Saharan and Sub-Saharan regions of Africa have been separated by the extremely harsh climate of the sparsely populated Sahara, forming an effective barrier interrupted by only the Nile River in Sudan, though the Nile was blocked by the river's cataracts. The Sahara Pump Theory explains how flora and fauna (including Homo sapiens) left Africa to penetrate the Middle East and beyond. African pluvial periods are associated with a "wet Sahara" phase during which larger lakes and more rivers existed.[7]
The use of the term has been criticized because it refers to the South only by cartography conventions and because it can have a connotation of inferiority.[8]

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