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2014-3-27 23:08| view publisher: amanda| views: 1021| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: Despite incentives to move research into production, the practical aspects are sometimes difficult to perform in practice. Using DoD Technology Readiness Levels as a criterion (for example), Research ...
Despite incentives to move research into production, the practical aspects are sometimes difficult to perform in practice. Using DoD Technology Readiness Levels as a criterion (for example), Research tends to focus on TRL 1-3, while readiness for production tends to focus on TRL 6-7 or higher. Bridging TRL-3 to TRL-6 has proven to be difficult in some organizations. Attempting to rush research (prototypes) into production (fully tested under diverse conditions, reliable, maintainable. etc.) tends to be more costly and time-consuming than expected.[4]

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