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The four phases of the technology life-cycle

2014-3-26 22:52| view publisher: amanda| views: 1003| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: The TLC may be seen as composed of four phases:(a) The research and development (RD) phase (sometimes called the "bleeding edge") when incomes from inputs are negative and where the prospects of failu ...
The TLC may be seen as composed of four phases:

(a) The research and development (R&D) phase (sometimes called the "bleeding edge") when incomes from inputs are negative and where the prospects of failure are high
(b) The ascent phase when out-of-pocket costs have been recovered and the technology begins to gather strength by going beyond some Point A on the TLC (sometimes called the "leading edge")
(c) The maturity phase when gain is high and stable, the region, going into saturation, marked by M, and
(d) The decline (or decay phase), after a Point D, of reducing fortunes and utility of the technology.
The shape of the technology lifecycle is often referred to as S-curve.[2]

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