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Subset of technological determinism

2014-3-26 22:21| view publisher: amanda| views: 1003| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: Media determinism, a subset of technological determinism, is a philosophical and sociological position which posits the power of the media to impact society. As a theory of change, it is seen as a cau ...
Media determinism, a subset of technological determinism, is a philosophical and sociological position which posits the power of the media to impact society.[9] As a theory of change, it is seen as a cause and effect relationship. New media technologies bring about change in society. Much like the "magic bullet" theories of mass communication, media determinism provides a somewhat simplistic explanation for very complicated scenarios. Cause and effect relationships are reduced to their most basic premise, and explained as such. Techno-centrist theories make everything explainable in light of the media's relation to technological developments. Two leading media determinists are the Canadian scholars Harold Innis and Marshall McLuhan. On the other hand, scholar Raymond Williams critiques media determinism and believes social movements define technological and media processes instead. [10]

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