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2014-3-26 22:10| view publisher: amanda| views: 1005| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: Siddhartha defines convergence, in his Policy initiative elemmas on Media Covergence: A Cross National Perspective, as integration and digitalization. Integration, here, is defined as "a process of tr ...
Siddhartha[who?] defines convergence, in his Policy initiative elemmas on Media Covergence: A Cross National Perspective, as integration and digitalization. Integration, here, is defined as "a process of transformation measure by the degree to which diverse media such as phone, data broadcast and information technology infrastructures are combined into a single seamless all purpose network architecture platform".[6]

Digitalization is not so much defined by its physical infrastructure, but by the content or the medium. Jan van Dijk suggests that "digitalization means breaking down signals into bytes consisting of ones and zeros".[7][8]

Convergence is defined by Blackman, 1998, as a trend in the evolution of technology services and industry structures.[9] Convergence is later defined more specifically as the coming together of telecommunications, computing and broadcasting into a single digital bit-stream.[10][11][12] Mueller stands against the statement that convergence is really a takeover of all forms of media by one technology: digital computers.[13][14]

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