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List of notable techno-progressive social critics

2014-3-26 22:07| view publisher: amanda| views: 1002| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: Technocritic Dale Carrico with his accounts of techno-progressivismPhilosopher Donna Haraway with her accounts of cyborg theory.Media theorist Douglas Rushkoff with his accounts of open source.Cultura ...
Technocritic Dale Carrico with his accounts of techno-progressivism[2]
Philosopher Donna Haraway with her accounts of cyborg theory.[8]
Media theorist Douglas Rushkoff with his accounts of open source.[9]
Cultural critic Mark Dery and his accounts of cyberculture.[10]
Science journalist Chris Mooney with his account of the U.S. Republican Party's "war on science".[11]
Futurist Bruce Sterling with his Viridian design movement.[12]
Futurist Alex Steffen and his accounts of bright green environmentalism through the Worldchanging blog.[13]
Science journalist Annalee Newitz with her accounts of the biopunk movement.[14][15]
Bioethicist James Hughes of the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies with his accounts of democratic transhumanism.[16]

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