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2014-3-26 22:05| view publisher: amanda| views: 1002| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: Techno-progressivism, technoprogressivism, tech-progressivism or techprogressivism (a portmanteau combining "technoscience-focused" and "progressivism") is a stance of active support for the convergen ...
Techno-progressivism, technoprogressivism, tech-progressivism or techprogressivism (a portmanteau combining "technoscience-focused" and "progressivism") is a stance of active support for the convergence of technological change and social change. Techno-progressives argue that technological developments can be profoundly empowering and emancipatory when they are regulated by legitimate democratic and accountable authorities to ensure that their costs, risks and benefits are all fairly shared by the actual stakeholders to those developments.[1][2]

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