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description: Functional Triad Persuasive technologies can be categorized by their functional roles. B.J. Fogg proposes the Functional Triad as a classification of three "basic ways that people view or respond to c ...
Functional Triad
Persuasive technologies can be categorized by their functional roles. B.J. Fogg proposes the Functional Triad as a classification of three "basic ways that people view or respond to computing technologies": persuasive technologies can function as tools, media, or social actors – or as more than one at once.[5]

As tools, technologies can increase people's ability to perform a target behavior by making it easier or restructuring it.[6] For example, an installation wizard can influence task completion – including completing tasks (such as installation of additional software) not planned by users.
As media, interactive technologies can use both interactivity and narrative to create persuasive experiences that support rehearsing a behavior, empathizing, or exploring causal relationships.[7] For example, simulations and games instantiate rules and procedures that express a point of view and can shape behavior and persuade; these use procedural rhetoric.[8]
Technologies can also function as social actors.[9] This "opens the door for computers to apply [...] social influence".[10] Interactive technologies can cue social responses, e.g., through their use of language, assumption of established social roles, or physical presence. For example, computers can use embodied conversational agents as part of their interface. Or a helpful or disclosive computer can cause users to mindlessly reciprocate.[11]
Direct interaction v. mediation
Persuasive technologies can also be categorized by whether they change attitude and behaviors through direct interaction or through a mediating role (Oinas-Kukkonen & Harjumaa 2008): do they persuade, for example, through human-computer interaction (HCI) or computer-mediated communication (CMC)? The examples already mentioned are the former, but there are many of the latter. Communication technologies can persuade or amplify the persuasion of others by transforming the social interaction (Licklider 1968, Bailenson et al. 2004), providing shared feedback on interaction (DiMicco 2004), or restructuring communication processes (Winograd 1986).

Persuasion design
Persuasion design is the design of messages by analyzing and evaluating their content, using established psychological research theories and methods. Chak 2003 argues that the most persuasive web sites focus on making users feel comfortable about making decisions and helping them act on those decisions.

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