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description: DemonsIn some religions and traditions, these titles are separate demons; others identify these names as guises of The Devil. Even when thought of as individual demons, some are often thought of being ...
In some religions and traditions, these titles are separate demons; others identify these names as guises of The Devil. Even when thought of as individual demons, some are often thought of being under the Devil's direct control. This identifies only those thought of as the Devil; List of demons has a more general listing.

Azazel, Asael (Hebrew): King of Devils
Baphomet, a demon supposedly worshiped by the Knights Templar
Beelzebub, ba'al zevuv בעל זבוב (Hebrew): Lord of the flies (Matthew 10:25)
Belial, Beliar, Bheliar (Hebrew): without master, despicableness of the earth, Lord of Pride (2 Corinthians 6:15)
Mastema, a devil in the Book of Jubilees
Sammael, Samiel, Sammael (Hebrew): "Poison of God"
Lilith, a female demon in Jewish mythology.
These are titles that almost always refer to the Devil.

666 or 616, the Number of the Beast
Angra Mainyu, Ahriman: "malign spirit", "unholy spirit"
Antichrist, the coming of the Devil to the mortal world in Christianity
Dark Lord
Der Leibhaftige (German): "He Himself"[citation needed]
Diabolus, Diabolos (Greek: Διάβολος): "cutting through"
Father of Lies (John 8:44), in contrast to Jesus ("I am the truth").
Iblis, the devil in Islam
Lord of the underworld / Lord of Hell / Lord of this World
Lucifer / The Morning Star (Greek and Roman): bringer of light, illuminator; the planet Venus, often portrayed as Satan's name before he fell
Mephistopheles, he who avoids the light (φῶς)
Old Scratch, The Stranger, Old Nick: a colloquialism for the devil, as indicated by the name of the character in the story The Devil and Tom Walker
Old Hob
Prince of Darkness / Air
Satan / The Adversary, Accuser, Prosecutor
(The ancient/old/crooked/coiling) Serpent
Shaitan, an Arabic name for Satan
Kölski (Iceland)[30]
Voland (medieval France)
A list of liturgical names for the Devil may be found in Jeffrey Burton Russell, Lucifer, the Devil in the Middle Ages (Cornell University Press, 1986), p. 128, note 76 online.

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