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2014-3-22 22:41| view publisher: amanda| views: 1002| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: Confucius' family and personal name respectively was Kong Qiu (孔丘 Kǒng Qiū). His courtesy name was Zhongni (仲尼 Zhòngní). Following an Old Chinese reconstruction, his family and personal name r ...
Confucius' family and personal name respectively was Kong Qiu (孔丘 Kǒng Qiū).[2] His courtesy name was Zhongni (仲尼 Zhòngní).[2] Following an Old Chinese reconstruction, his family and personal name respectively may have been Kʰˤoŋʔ Kʷʰə, while his courtesy name may have been Truŋsnˤərs.[3] In Chinese, he is most often known as Kongzi (孔子 Kǒng Zǐ, literally "Master Kong").[4][5] He is also known by the honorific Kong Fuzi (孔夫子 Kǒng Fūzǐ, literally "Master Kong").[5] In the Wade–Giles system of romanization, the honorific name is rendered as "K'ung Fu-tzu". The Latinized name "Confucius" is derived from "Kong Fuzi", and was first coined by 16th-century Jesuit missionaries to China, most probably by Matteo Ricci.[5]

Within the Analects, he is often referred to simply as "the Master" (子 Zǐ). In 1 AD, Confucius was given his first posthumous name, the "Laudably Declarable Lord Ni" (褒成宣尼公). In 1530, he was declared the "Extremely Sage Departed Teacher" (至聖先師). He is also known separately as the "Great Sage" (至聖), "First Teacher" (先師), and "Model Teacher for Ten Thousand Ages" (萬世師表).
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