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2014-3-26 00:58| view publisher: amanda| views: 1005| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: Moral luck Main article: Moral luckThe problem of moral luck is that some people are born into, live within, and experience circumstances that seem to change their moral culpability when all other fac ...
Moral luck
Main article: Moral luck
The problem of moral luck is that some people are born into, live within, and experience circumstances that seem to change their moral culpability when all other factors remain the same.

For instance, a case of circumstantial moral luck: a poor person is born into a poor family, and has no other way to feed himself so he steals his food. Another person, born into a very wealthy family, does very little but has ample food and does not need to steal to get it. Should the poor person be more morally blameworthy than the rich person? After all, it is not his fault that he was born into such circumstances, but a matter of "luck".

A related case is resultant moral luck. For instance, two persons behave in a morally culpable way, such as driving carelessly, but end up producing unequal amounts of harm: one strikes a pedestrian and kills him, while the other does not. That one driver caused a death and the other did not is no part of the drivers' intentional actions; yet most observers would likely ascribe greater blame to the driver who killed. (Compare consequentialism.)

The fundamental question of moral luck is how our moral responsibility is changed by factors over which we have no control.

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