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Comparative religion

2014-3-12 22:08| view publisher: amanda| views: 1002| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: A common thread that often differentiates Eastern philosophy from Western is the relationshipbetween the gods (or God) and the universe. Some Western schools of thought were animistic or pantheistic, ...
A common thread that often differentiates Eastern philosophy from Western is the relationship[clarification needed]between the gods (or God) and the universe. Some Western schools of thought were animistic or pantheistic, such as the classical Greek tradition, while later religious beliefs, influenced by the monotheism of the Abrahamic religions, portrayed divinity as more transcendent.

Much like the classical Greek philosophies, many Eastern schools of thought were more interested in explaining the natural world via universal patterns; without recourse to capricious agencies like gods (or God). Syncretism allowed various schools of thought such as Yi, Yin yang, Wu xing and Ren to mutually complement one another without threatening traditional religious practice or new religious movements.

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