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Sources of self-regulated learning

2014-3-30 10:20| view publisher: amanda| views: 1003| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: According to Iran-Nejad and Chissom, there are three sources of self-regulated learning: active/executive, dynamic, and interest-creating discovery model (1992). Active/executive self-regulation is re ...
According to Iran-Nejad and Chissom, there are three sources of self-regulated learning: active/executive, dynamic, and interest-creating discovery model (1992). Active/executive self-regulation is regulated by the person and is intentional, deliberate, conscious, voluntary, and strategic. The individual is aware and effortful in using self-regulation strategies. Under this source of SRL, learning happens best in a habitual mode of functioning. Dynamic self-regulation is also known as unintentional learning because it is regulated by internal subsystems other than the “central executive.”

The learner is not consciously aware they are learning because it occurs “both under and outside the direct influence of deliberate internal control.” The third source of self-regulated learning is the interest-creating discovery module, which is described as “biofunctional” as it is developed from both the active and dynamic models of self-regulation. In this model, learning takes place best in a creative mode of functioning and is neither completely person-driven nor unconscious, but it is a combination of both.

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