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2014-3-29 18:59| view publisher: amanda| views: 1002| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: The notion of a personal life, as now understood, is in part a creation of modern Western society. People in the United States, especially, place a high value on privacy. Since the colonial period, Am ...
The notion of a personal life, as now understood, is in part a creation of modern Western society. People in the United States, especially, place a high value on privacy. Since the colonial period, Americans have been noted for their individualism and their pursuit of self-definition.[11] Indeed, the United States Declaration of Independence and the Constitution explicitly raise the pursuit of happiness and the expectation of privacy to the level of rights.

In modern times, many people have come to think of their personal lives as separate from their work.[12] Work and recreation are distinct; one is either on the job or not, and the transition is abrupt. Employees have certain hours they are bound to work, and work during recreational time is rare. This may be related to the continuing specialization of jobs and the demand for increased efficiency, both at work and at home. The common phrase "Work hard, play hard" illustrates this mindset. There is a growing trend, however, toward living more holistically and minimizing such rigid distinctions between work and play, in order to achieve an "appropriate" work–life balance.

The concept of personal life also tends to be associated with the way individuals dress, the food they eat, their schooling and further education as well as their hobbies, leisure activities, and cultural interests. Increasingly, in the developed world, a person's daily life is also influenced by their leisure use of consumer electronics such as televisions, computers and the Internet, mobile phones and digital cameras.[13]

Other factors affecting personal life are an individual's health, personal relationships, pets as well as his home and personal possessions.

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