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description: The earliest women whose names are known through archaeology include:Neithhotep (circa 3,200 B.C.E.), the wife of Narmer and the first queen of ancient Egypt.Merneith (circa 3,000 B.C.E.), consort and ...
The earliest women whose names are known through archaeology include:

Neithhotep (circa 3,200 B.C.E.), the wife of Narmer and the first queen of ancient Egypt.[9][10]
Merneith (circa 3,000 B.C.E.), consort and regent of ancient Egypt during the first dynasty. She may have been ruler of Egypt in her own right.[11][12]
Merit-Ptah (circa 2,700 B.C.E.), also lived in Egypt and is the earliest known female physician and scientist.[13]
Peseshet (circa 2,600 B.C.E.), a physician in Ancient Egypt.[14][15]
Puabi (circa 2,600 B.C.E.), or Shubad – queen of Ur whose tomb was discovered with many expensive artifacts. Other known pre-Sargonic queens of Ur (royal wives) include Ashusikildigir, Ninbanda, and Gansamannu.[16]
Kugbau (circa 2,500 B.C.E.), a taverness from Kish chosen by the Nippur priesthood to become hegemonic ruler of Sumer, and in later ages deified as "Kubaba"
Tashlultum (circa 2,400 B.C.E.), Akkadian queen, wife of Sargon of Akkad and mother of Enheduanna.[17][18]
Baranamtarra (circa 2,384 B.C.E.), prominent and influential queen of Lugalanda of Lagash. Other known pre-Sargonic queens of the first Lagash dynasty include Menbara-abzu, Ashume'eren, Ninkhilisug, Dimtur, and Shagshag, and the names of several princesses are also known.
Enheduanna (circa 2,285 B.C.E.),[19][20] the high priestess of the temple of the Moon God in the Sumerian city-state of Ur and possibly the first poet and first named author of either gender.[21]

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