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2014-3-24 21:01| view publisher: amanda| views: 1002| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: Measurement (from Old French, mesurement) is the assignment of numbers to objects or events. It is a cornerstone of most natural sciences, technology, economics, and quantitative research in other soc ...
Measurement (from Old French, mesurement) is the assignment of numbers to objects or events.[1] It is a cornerstone of most natural sciences, technology, economics, and quantitative research in other social sciences.

Any measurement can be judged by the following meta-measurement criteria values: level of measurement (which includes magnitude), dimensions (units), and uncertainty. They enable comparisons to be done between different measurements and reduce confusion. Even in cases of clear qualitative similarity or difference, increased precision through quantitative measurement is often preferred in order to aid in replication. For example, different colours may be operationalized based either on wavelengths of light or (qualitative) terms such as "green" and "blue" which are often interpreted differently by different people. The science of measurement is called metrology.

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