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Mathematics teachers

2014-3-24 20:58| view publisher: amanda| views: 1004| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: The following people all taught mathematics at some stage in their lives, although they are better known for other things:Lewis Carroll, pen name of British author Charles Dodgson, lectured in mathema ...
The following people all taught mathematics at some stage in their lives, although they are better known for other things:

Lewis Carroll, pen name of British author Charles Dodgson, lectured in mathematics at Christ Church, Oxford. As a mathematics educator, Dodgson defended the use of Euclid's Elements as a geometry textbook; Euclid and his Modern Rivals is a criticism of a reform movement in geometry education led by the Association for the Improvement of Geometrical Teaching.[19]
John Dalton, British chemist and physicist, taught mathematics at schools and colleges in Manchester, Oxford and York
Tom Lehrer, American songwriter and satirist, taught mathematics at Harvard, MIT and currently at University of California, Santa Cruz
Brian May, rock guitarist and composer, worked briefly as a mathematics teacher before joining Queen[20]
Georg Joachim Rheticus, Austrian cartographer and disciple of Copernicus, taught mathematics at the University of Wittenberg
Edmund Rich, Archbishop of Canterbury in the 13th century, lectured on mathematics at the universities of Oxford and Paris
Éamon de Valera, a leader of Ireland's struggle for independence in the early 20th century and founder of the Fianna Fáil party, taught mathematics at schools and colleges in Dublin
Archie Williams, American athlete and Olympic gold medalist, taught mathematics at high schools in California.

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