List of mathematical identities

2014-3-16 11:33| view publisher: amanda| wiki( 0 : 0

description: This page lists mathematical identities, that is, identically true relations holding in mathematics.Bézout's identity (despite of its usual name, it is not, properly speaking, an identity)Brahmagupta ...
This page lists mathematical identities, that is, identically true relations holding in mathematics.

Bézout's identity (despite of its usual name, it is not, properly speaking, an identity)
Brahmagupta–Fibonacci two-square identity
Cassini and Catalan identities
Degen's eight-square identity
Difference of two squares
Euler's four-square identity
Euler's identity
Fibonacci's identity see Brahmagupta–Fibonacci identity or Cassini and Catalan identities
Heine's identity
Hermite's identity
Lagrange's identity
Lagrange's trigonometric identities
MacWilliams identity
Parseval's identity
Pfister's sixteen-square identity
Sun's curious identity
Vandermonde's identity
Identities for classes of functions

Logarithmic identities
Exponential identities
Trigonometric identities
Hyperbolic function identities
Hypergeometric function identities
Combinatorial identities
Summation identities

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