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description: Further information: Computer scienceComputer architectureFurther information: Computer architectureTomasulo algorithm: allows sequential instructions that would normally be stalled due to certain dep ...
Further information: Computer science
Computer architecture
Further information: Computer architecture
Tomasulo algorithm: allows sequential instructions that would normally be stalled due to certain dependencies to execute non-sequentially
Computer graphics
Further information: Computer graphics
Line clipping
Polygon clipping
Contour lines and Isosurfaces
Marching cubes: extract a polygonal mesh of an isosurface from a three-dimensional scalar field (sometimes called voxels)
Marching squares: generate contour lines for a two-dimensional scalar field
Marching tetrahedrons: an alternative to Marching cubes
Discrete Green's Theorem: is an algorithm for computing double integral over a generalized rectangular domain in constant time. It is a natural extension to the summed area table algorithm
Flood fill: fills a connected region of a multi-dimensional array with a specified symbol
Global illumination algorithms: Considers direct illumination and reflection from other objects.
Ambient occlusion
Beam tracing
Cone tracing
Image-based lighting
Metropolis light transport
Path tracing
Photon mapping
Ray tracing
Hidden surface removal or Visual surface determination
Newell's algorithm: eliminate polygon cycles in the depth sorting required in hidden surface removal
Painter's algorithm: detects visible parts of a 3-dimensional scenery
Scanline rendering: constructs an image by moving an imaginary line over the image
Warnock algorithm
Line Drawing: graphical algorithm for approximating a line segment on discrete graphical media.
Bresenham's line algorithm: plots points of a 2-dimensional array to form a straight line between 2 specified points (uses decision variables)
DDA line algorithm: plots points of a 2-dimensional array to form a straight line between 2 specified points (uses floating-point math)
Xiaolin Wu's line algorithm: algorithm for line antialiasing.
Midpoint circle algorithm: an algorithm used to determine the points needed for drawing a circle
Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm: Given a 'curve' composed of line segments to find a curve not too dissimilar but that has fewer points
Gouraud shading: an algorithm to simulate the differing effects of light and colour across the surface of an object in 3D computer graphics
Phong shading: an algorithm to interpolate surface normal-vectors for surface shading in 3D computer graphics
Slerp (spherical linear interpolation): quaternion interpolation for the purpose of animating 3D rotation
Summed area table (also known as an integral image): an algorithm for computing the sum of values in a rectangular subset of a grid in constant time
Further information: Cryptography and Topics in cryptography
Asymmetric (public key) encryption:
Elliptic curve cryptography
Cryptographic hash functions:
HMAC: keyed-hash message authentication
MD5 – Note that there is now a method of generating collisions for MD5
SHA-2 (SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512)
Tiger (TTH), usually used in Tiger tree hashes
Cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generators
Blum Blum Shub - based on the hardness of factorization
Fortuna, intended as an improvement on Yarrow algorithm
Linear feedback shift register
Yarrow algorithm
Key exchange
Diffie–Hellman key exchange
Secret sharing, Secret Splitting, Key Splitting, M of N algorithms
Blakey's Scheme
Shamir's Scheme
Symmetric (secret key) encryption:
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), winner of NIST competition, also known as Rijndael
Data Encryption Standard (DES), sometimes DE Algorithm, winner of NBS selection competition, replaced by AES for most purposes
RC4 (cipher)
Tiny Encryption Algorithm
Digital logic
Boolean minimization
Quine–McCluskey algorithm: Also called as Q-M algorithm, programmable method for simplifying the boolean equations.
Petrick's method: Another algorithm for boolean simplification.
Espresso heuristic logic minimizer: Fast algorithm for boolean function minimization.
Machine learning and statistical classification
Main article: List of machine learning algorithms
Further information: Machine Learning and Statistical classification
ALOPEX: a correlation-based machine-learning algorithm
Association rule learning: discover interesting relations between variables, used in data mining
Apriori algorithm
Eclat algorithm
FP-growth algorithm
One-attribute rule
Zero-attribute rule
Boosting (meta-algorithm): Use many weak learners to boost effectiveness
AdaBoost: adaptive boosting
BrownBoost:a boosting algorithm that may be robust to noisy datasets
LogitBoost: logistic regression boosting
LPBoost: linear programming boosting
Bootstrap aggregating (bagging): technique to improve stability and classification accuracy
Decision Trees
C4.5 algorithm: an extension to ID3
ID3 algorithm (Iterative Dichotomiser 3): Use heuristic to generate small decision trees
k-nearest neighbors (k-NN): a method for classifying objects based on closest training examples in the feature space
Linde–Buzo–Gray algorithm: a vector quantization algorithm used to derive a good codebook
Locality-sensitive hashing (LSH): a method of performing probabilistic dimension reduction of high-dimensional data
Neural Network
Backpropagation: A supervised learning method which requires a teacher that knows, or can calculate, the desired output for any given input
Hopfield net: a Recurrent neural network in which all connections are symmetric
Perceptron: the simplest kind of feedforward neural network: a linear classifier.
Pulse-coupled neural networks (PCNN): neural models proposed by modeling a cat's visual cortex and developed for high-performance biomimetic image processing.
Radial basis function network: an artificial neural network that uses radial basis functions as activation functions
Self-organizing map: an unsupervised network that produces a low-dimensional representation of the input space of the training samples
Random forest: classify using many decision trees
Reinforcement Learning:
Q-learning: learn an action-value function that gives the expected utility of taking a given action in a given state and following a fixed policy thereafter
SARSA (State-Action-Reward-State-Action): learn a Markov decision process policy
Temporal difference learning
Relevance Vector Machine (RVM): similar to SVM, but provides probabilistic classification
Support Vector Machines (SVM): a set of methods which divide multidimensional data by finding a dividing hyperplane with the maximum margin between the two sets
Structured SVM: allows training of a classifier for general structured output labels.
Winnow algorithm: related to the perceptron, but uses a multiplicative weight-update scheme
Programming language theory
Further information: Programming language theory
C3 linearization: an algorithm used primarily to obtain a consistent linearization of a multiple inheritance hierarchy in object-oriented programming
Chaitin's algorithm: a bottom-up, graph coloring register allocation algorithm that uses cost/degree as its spill metric
Hindley–Milner type inference algorithm
Rete algorithm: an efficient pattern matching algorithm for implementing production rule systems
Sethi-Ullman algorithm: generate optimal code for arithmetic expressions
Further information: Parsing
CYK algorithm: An O(n3) algorithm for parsing context-free grammars in Chomsky normal form
Earley parser: Another O(n3) algorithm for parsing any context-free grammar
GLR parser:An algorithm for parsing any context-free grammar by Masaru Tomita. It is tuned for deterministic grammars, on which it performs almost linear time and O(n3) in worst case.
Inside-outside algorithm: An O(n3) algorithm for re-estimating production probabilities in probabilistic context-free grammars
LL parser: A relatively simple linear time parsing algorithm for a limited class of context-free grammars
LR parser: A more complex linear time parsing algorithm for a larger class of context-free grammars. Variants:
Canonical LR parser
LALR (Look-ahead LR) parser
Operator-precedence parser
SLR (Simple LR) parser
Simple precedence parser
Packrat parser: A linear time parsing algorithm supporting some context-free grammars and parsing expression grammars
Recursive descent parser: A top-down parser suitable for LL(k) grammars
Shunting yard algorithm: convert an infix-notation math expression to postfix
Pratt parser
Lexical analysis
Quantum algorithms
Further information: Quantum algorithm
Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm: criterion of balance for Boolean function
Grover's algorithm: provides quadratic speedup for many search problems
Shor's algorithm: provides exponential speedup (relative to currently known non-quantum algorithms) for factoring a number
Simon's algorithm: provides a provably exponential speedup (relative to any non-quantum algorithm) for a black-box problem
Theory of computation and automata
Further information: Theory of computation
Powerset construction: Algorithm to convert nondeterministic automaton to deterministic automaton.
Tarski–Kuratowski algorithm: a non-deterministic algorithm which provides an upper bound for the complexity of formulas in the arithmetical hierarchy and analytical hierarchy

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