Special functions

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description: Basic special functionsIndicator function: maps x to either 1 or 0, depending on whether or not x belongs to some subset.Step function: A finite linear combination of indicator functions of half-open ...
Basic special functions
Indicator function: maps x to either 1 or 0, depending on whether or not x belongs to some subset.
Step function: A finite linear combination of indicator functions of half-open intervals.
Floor function: Largest integer less than or equal to a given number.
Heaviside step function: 0 for negative arguments and 1 for positive arguments. The integral of the Dirac delta function.
Sign function: Returns only the sign of a number, as +1 or −1.
Absolute value: distance to the origin (zero point)
Number theoretic functions
Sigma function: Sums of powers of divisors of a given natural number.
Euler's totient function: Number of numbers coprime to (and not bigger than) a given one.
Prime-counting function: Number of primes less than or equal to a given number.
Partition function: Order-independent count of ways to write a given positive integer as a sum of positive integers.
Antiderivatives of elementary functions
Logarithmic integral function: Integral of the reciprocal of the logarithm, important in the prime number theorem.
Exponential integral
Trigonometric integral: Including Sine Integral and Cosine Integral
Error function: An integral important for normal random variables.
Fresnel integral: related to the error function; used in optics.
Dawson function: occurs in probability.
Gamma and related functions
Gamma function: A generalization of the factorial function.
Barnes G-function
Beta function: Corresponding binomial coefficient analogue.
Digamma function, Polygamma function
Incomplete beta function
Incomplete gamma function
Multivariate gamma function: A generalization of the Gamma function useful in multivariate statistics.
Student's t-distribution
Elliptic and related functions
Elliptic integrals: Arising from the path length of ellipses; important in many applications. Related functions are the quarter period and the nome. Alternate notations include:
Carlson symmetric form
Legendre form
Elliptic functions: The inverses of elliptic integrals; used to model double-periodic phenomena. Particular types are Weierstrass's elliptic functions and Jacobi's elliptic functions and the sine lemniscate and cosine lemniscate functions.
Theta function
Closely related are the modular forms, which include
Dedekind eta function
Bessel and related functions
Airy function
Bessel functions: Defined by a differential equation; useful in astronomy, electromagnetism, and mechanics.
Bessel–Clifford function
Legendre function: From the theory of spherical harmonics.
Scorer's function
Sinc function
Hermite polynomials
Chebyshev polynomials
Riemann zeta and related functions
Riemann zeta function: A special case of Dirichlet series.
Dirichlet eta function: An allied function.
Dirichlet L-function
Hurwitz zeta function
Legendre chi function
Lerch transcendent
Polylogarithm and related functions:
Incomplete polylogarithm
Clausen function
Complete Fermi–Dirac integral, an alternate form of the polylogarithm.
Incomplete Fermi–Dirac integral
Kummer's function
Spence's function
Riesz function
Hypergeometric and related functions
Hypergeometric functions: Versatile family of power series.
Confluent hypergeometric function
Associated Legendre functions
Meijer G-function
Iterated exponential and related functions
Hyper operators
Iterated logarithm
Lambert W function: Inverse of f(w) = w exp(w).
Other standard special functions
Lambda function
Lamé function
Mittag-Leffler function
Painlevé transcendents
Parabolic cylinder function
Synchrotron function
Miscellaneous functions
Ackermann function: in the theory of computation, a computable function that is not primitive recursive.
Dirac delta function: everywhere zero except for x = 0; total integral is 1. Not a function but a distribution, but sometimes informally referred to as a function, particularly by physicists and engineers.
Dirichlet function: is an indicator function that matches 1 to rational numbers and 0 to irrationals. It is nowhere continuous.
Kronecker delta function: is a function of two variables, usually integers, which is 1 if they are equal, and 0 otherwise.
Minkowski's question mark function: Derivatives vanish on the rationals.
Weierstrass function: is an example of continuous function that is nowhere differentiable

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