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Specialized lists of mathematical examples

2014-3-16 16:10| view publisher: amanda| views: 1002| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: List of algebraic surfacesList of curvesList of complexity classesList of examples in general topologyList of finite simple groupsList of Fourier-related transformsList of mathematical functionsList o ...
List of algebraic surfaces
List of curves
List of complexity classes
List of examples in general topology
List of finite simple groups
List of Fourier-related transforms
List of mathematical functions
List of knots
List of mathematical knots and links
List of manifolds
List of mathematical shapes
List of matrices
List of numbers
List of polygons, polyhedra and polytopes
List of prime numbers —not merely a numerical table, but a list of various kinds of prime numbers, each with a table
List of regular polytopes
List of surfaces
List of small groups
Table of Lie groups

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