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Samoan Crisis 1887-1889

2014-3-21 22:12| view publisher: amanda| views: 1002| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: See also: Samoan Civil War, Second Samoan Civil War, Siege of Apia, and German SamoaWrecked vessels at Apia. 1889.SMS Adler wrecked at Apia. 1889.The Samoan Crisis was a confrontation standoff between ...
See also: Samoan Civil War, Second Samoan Civil War, Siege of Apia, and German Samoa

Wrecked vessels at Apia. 1889.

SMS Adler wrecked at Apia. 1889.
The Samoan Crisis was a confrontation standoff between the United States, Imperial Germany and Great Britain from 1887–1889 over control of the Samoan Islands during the Samoan Civil War. The incident involved three American warships, USS Vandalia, USS Trenton and USS Nipsic and three German warships, SMS Adler, SMS Olga, and SMS Eber, keeping each other at bay over several months in Apia harbour, which was monitored by the British warship HMS Calliope.

The standoff ended on 15 and 16 March when a cyclone wrecked all six warships in the harbour. Calliope was able to escape the harbour and survived the storm. Robert Louis Stevenson witnessed the storm and its aftermath at Apia and later wrote about what he saw.[91] The Samoan Civil War continued, involving Germany, United States and Britain, eventually resulting, via the Tripartite Convention of 1899, in the partition of the Samoan Islands into American Samoa and German Samoa.[92]

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