644 – Muslim inventors develop a windmill, used to pump water for irrigation;[2][3] this is a more advanced wind powered machine than that developed by the Babylonians 8th century – Arab Agricultural Revolution begins in the rapidly-expanding Arab Empire 800 – Arabic chemists produce purified water[4] 800 – Alcohol (ethanol) as a pure compound is distilled by Arabic chemists such as Jābir ibn Hayyān and Alkindus[5] 850 – Use of coffee is known in Arabia 900 – First wind powered gristmills built in present-day Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran[6] 900 – Geared gristmills with trip hammers developed in the Arab Empire[7] 900 – First sugar refineries, driven by both water mills and windmills, invented in present-day Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran[6] 1000 – Sherbet, the first juiced and carbonated soft drink, is developed by Arabic chemists.[8][9] 1000 – Cash cropping[10] and a crop rotation system in which land was cropped four or more times in a two-year period is introduced in the Arab Empire[11] 1000 – The Arab Empire introduced agricultural innovations such as new forms of land tenure, improvements in irrigation, a variety of sophisticated irrigation methods,[12] the introduction of fertilizers and widespread artificial irrigation systems, the development of gravity-flow irrigation systems from rivers and springs,[13] the use of noria and chain pumps for irrigation purposes[citation needed], the establishment of the sugar cane industry in the Mediterranean, and experimentation in sugar cultivation[14] 1000 – Earliest factory milling installations built in Baghdad, Iraq[15] 1000 – Milling dam (Pul-i-Bulaiti), used to provide additional power for milling, built at Karun, Iran[16] 1050 – Flywheel-driven saqiya chain pump and noria developed by Ibn Bassal (fl. 1038-1075) of Al-Andalus[17] 1100 – Bridge mill (water mill built as part of the superstructure of a bridge) developed in Cordoba, Al-Andalus[18] 1100 – Spiral scoop waterwheel, a device which efficiently raises large quantities of water to ground level invented in Baghdad, Iraq[19] 1100 – Finery forge invented in Al-Andalus[6] 1100 – First European factory milling installations built in Al-Andalus[6] 1206 – Al-Jazari employs the crankshaft and connecting rod in a piston pump which, for the first time, demonstrates the use of a suction pipe.[20] 1250 – Crank-driven screw and screwpump developed in the Arab world using Al-Jazari's crankshaft[21] 1282 − First paper mill in the Spanish Xàtiva (Kingdom of Aragon)[22] 1559 – Taqi al-Din invents a six-cylinder 'Monobloc' pump, a hydropowered water-raising machine incorporating valves, suction and delivery pipes, piston rods with lead weights, trip levers with pin joints, and cams on the axle of a water-driven scoop-wheel[23] |
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