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Ten deadliest natural disasters

2014-3-16 22:19| view publisher: amanda| views: 1003| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: Rank Death toll (estimate) Event Location Date1 1,000,000–4,000,000* 1931 China floods China July, August, 19312 900,000–2,000,000 1887 Yellow River flood China September, October, 18873 830,000 155 ...

Rank    Death toll (estimate)    Event    Location    Date
1    1,000,000–4,000,000*[1]    1931 China floods    China    July, August, 1931
2    900,000–2,000,000[2]    1887 Yellow River flood    China    September, October, 1887
3    830,000[3]    1556 Shaanxi earthquake    China    January 23, 1556
4    242,000–779,000    1976 Tangshan earthquake    China    July 28, 1976
5    500,000–1,000,000[1]    1970 Bhola cyclone    East Pakistan (now Bangladesh)    November 13, 1970
6    300,000[4]    1839 India Cyclone    India    November 25, 1839
6    300,000[5]    1737 Calcutta cyclone    India    October 7, 1737
8    273,400[6]    1920 Haiyuan earthquake    China    December 16, 1920
9    250,000–300,000[7]    526 Antioch earthquake    Byzantine Empire (now Turkey)    May 526
10    260,000[8]    115 Antioch earthquake    Roman Empire (now Turkey)    December 13, 115
* Estimate by Nova's sources are close to 4 million and yet Encarta's sources report as few as 1 million. Expert estimates report wide variance.

The list does not include the man-made 1938 Yellow River flood caused entirely by a deliberate man-made act (an act of war, destroying dikes).

An alternative listing is given by Hough in his 2008 book Global Security.[9]

Ten deadliest natural disasters since 1900
Rank    Death toll (estimate)    Event*    Location    Date
1.    1,000,000–4,000,000    1931 China floods    China    July 1931
2.    650,000–779,000    1976 Tangshan earthquake    China    July 1976
3.    500,000    1970 Bhola cyclone    East Pakistan (now Bangladesh)    November 1970
4.    273,400    1920 Haiyuan earthquake    China    December 1920
5.    230,000    2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami    Indian Ocean    26th December 2004
6.    229,000    Typhoon Nina—contributed to Banqiao Dam failure    China    August 7, 1975
7.    159,000    2010 Haiti earthquake    Haiti    January 12th 2010
8.    145,000    1935 Yangtze river flood    China    1935
9.    142,000    1923 Great Kanto earthquake    Japan    September 1923
10.    138,866    1991 Bangladesh cyclone    Bangladesh    April 29, 1991
Does not include industrial or technological accidents or epidemics nor the 1938 Yellow River flood.

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