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Ancient era

2014-3-16 22:26| view publisher: amanda| views: 1002| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: The Battle of Salamis in 480 BC where a huge Persian fleet is defeated by a united Greek force.The Athenian expedition to Syracuse in 415 BC.The Battle of Changping (262-260 BC), 400,000 troops from t ...
The Battle of Salamis in 480 BC where a huge Persian fleet is defeated by a united Greek force.
The Athenian expedition to Syracuse in 415 BC.
The Battle of Changping (262-260 BC), 400,000 troops from the State of Zhao were buried alive after their commander Zhao Kuo fell for a trick of the commander from the State of Qin.
The Battle of Cannae in 216 BC, where Hannibal destroyed the sixteen Roman and Allied legions, led by Lucius Aemilius Paullus and Gaius Terentius Varro. In all, perhaps more than 80% of the entire Roman army was dead or captured (including Paullus himself).
The Battle of Julu in 207 BC where Chu forces under Xiang Yu defeated a much larger Qin army. Qin's losses mounted to well over 100,000. The Qin dynasty collapsed soon after.
The Battle of Mobei in 119 BC, where the entire Xiongnu army of over 100,000 men was destroyed by the Han army. This battle and its aftermath ensured the supremacy of the Chinese over the northern barbarian tribes for the next few hundred years.
The Battle of Carrhae in 53 BC when Crassus with 40,000 soldiers marched into Parthia expecting to be victorious, chose to march a direct route through the desert instead of the mountains of the north, and was entirely anniliated by 9,000 Parthian soldiers
The Siege of Alesia in 52 BC, where Gaius Julius Caesar, leading roughly 50,000 Roman soldiers, laid siege to the rebel Gauls, led under Vercingetorix, fortress of Alesia, who numbered at roughly 85,000 infantry and 15,000 cavalry. The Belgae tribe attempted to relieve the siege with an army of 260,000 warriors. The Romans, through the personal leadership of Titus Labienus, wrought a terrific slaughter upon the Belgae, this demoralising event leading the defenders at Alesia to yield, ending Vercingetorix's rebellion.
The Battle of Teutoburg Forest in 9 AD, where German warriors destroyed three Roman legions
The Battle of Watling Street in 60 or 61 AD, where, Tacitus and Cassius Dio suggest, between 100,000 and 250,000 British warriors and tribes-people led by the British Iceni queen, Boudicca, faced off against 10,000 Roman soldiers led by the governor of the British province, Gaius Suetonius Paulinus. The result was an overwhelming annihilation of the Britons, upwards of 80,000 killed, with around 400 Romans dead, according to Tacitus. This ended the British rebellion that had devastated Roman-British provincial towns.
The Battle of Guandu in 200 AD, in which the more powerful army of Yuan Shao failed to guard its supplies, and was defeated by Cao Cao.
The Battle of Red Cliffs in 208 AD, where Liu Bei's advisor Kong Ming and Sun Quan's advisor Zhou Yu destroyed Cao Cao's much larger navy with fire.
The Battle of Edessa occurred in 259 AD when Emperor Valerian with a 70,000 strong Roman army marched into Persia to end Persian advances into Roman territory. The outcome was an overwhelming Persian victory and the entire Roman army was decimated.
The Battle of Adrianople in 378 AD, in which the emperor Valens was killed while Gothic heavy cavalry ambushed and decimated his Roman heavy infantry.

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