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This is an incomplete list, which may never be able to satisfy particular standards for completeness. You can help by expanding it with reliably sourced entries.
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Date    Location    Name    Deaths    Description
61    Anglesey, Britannia    Menai Massacre    unknown    Gaius Suetonius Paulinus ordered the Roman army to destroy the Celtic Druid stronghold on Anglesey in Britain, sacking Druidic colleges and sacred groves. The massacre helped impose Roman religion on Britain and sent Druidism into a decline from which it never recovered.[4][5]
390    Thessaloniki, Macedonia    Massacre of Thessaloniki    7,000    Emperor Theodosius I of Rome ordered the executions after the citizens of Thessaloniki murdered a top-level military commander during a violent protest against the arrest of a popular charioteer.[6][7]
782    Verden, Lower Saxony, Germany    Massacre of Verden    4,500    Charlemagne ordered the massacre of 4,500 imprisoned rebel pagan Saxons in response to losing two envoys, four counts, and twenty nobles in battle with the Saxons during his campaign to conquer and Christianize the Saxons during the Saxon Wars.[8]
November 13, 1002    various cities, England    St. Brice's Day massacre    unknown    King Ethelred II of England ordered all Danes living in England killed. The Danes were accused of aiding Viking raiders. The King of Denmark, Swein Forkbeard, invaded England and deposed King Ethelred.[9][10][11]
December 30, 1066    Granada, Al-Andalus    Granada massacre    4,000    Apparently angered by a rumour that Jewish vizier Joseph ibn Naghrela intended to assassinate the king and take the throne for himself, a Muslim mob killed him and hung his body on a cross. The mob went on to kill the Jewish population of the city.[12][13][14][15]
May 1182    Constantinople, Byzantine Empire    Massacre of the Latins[16]    60,000–80,000    Wholesale massacre of all Latin (Western European) inhabitants of Constantinople by a mob.
1209    France    Massacre at Béziers    15,000+    First major military action of the Albigensian Crusade
1325    Crow Creek Site, Great Plains, North America    Crow Creek massacre[17][18]    500[19]    Native Americans indigenous to the area that is now South Dakota killed Central Plains villagers.[19][20]
November 8, 1520    Stockholm, Sweden    Stockholm Massacre
(Stockholm Bloodbath)    80–90[21]    Days after his coronation in Stockholm, King Christian II of Denmark – trying to maintain the personal union between Sweden, Norway and Denmark, and thus keep up his claims to the Swedish throne – liquidated nobles and bishops who earlier had opposed him, or who might stir up fresh opposition.[22][23][24]
1570    Cyprus    Cyprus massacre    30,000–50,000[25][26][27][28]    Ottoman forces capturing Cyprus killed mostly Greek and Armenian Christian inhabitants.
August 23, 1572    Paris, France    St. Bartholomew's Day massacre[29][30]    5,000 - 70,000[31]    A wave of Catholic mob violence against the Huguenots.[31][32][33]
October 10, 1580    Kerry, Ireland    Smerwick (Dun an Oir) massacre    c600    English troops commanded by Grey de Wilton massacre Papal invasion forces at Dun an Oir in West Kerry[34]
March 22, 1622    Jamestown, Virginia    Jamestown Massacre[35][36]    347    The Powhatans killed 347 settlers, almost one-third of the English population of the Virginia colony.
May 26, 1637    Mystic, Connecticut    Mystic Massacre[37]    400-700    English settlers under Captain John Mason and Narragansett and Mohegan allies set fire to a fortified Pequot village near the Mystic River.
1641    Ulster, Ireland    Ulster Massacres    ~4,000 - ~12,000    The Ulster Massacres were a series of massacres and resulting deaths amongst the ~40,000 Protestant settlers which took place in 1641 during the Irish Rebellion.[38][39][40]
November, 1641    Portadown, Ireland    Portadown Massacre    ~100    The Portadown Massacre took place in November 1641 at what is now Portadown, County Armagh. Up to 100 mostly English Protestants were killed in the River Bann by a group of armed Irishmen. This was the biggest massacre of Protestant colonists during the 1641–42 uprising.[41]
May 28, 1644    Bolton, England    Bolton Massacre    200–1,600    Royalist forces killed many of the town's defenders and citizens.[42][43][44]
1645    Yangzhou, China    Yangzhou massacre    Up to 800,000    Qing troops killed residents of Yangzhou as punishment for resistance[45][46]
February 13, 1692    Scotland    Massacre of Glencoe[47]    38[48]    Government soldiers, mainly from Clan Campbell, killed members of the Clan MacDonald of Glencoe.[48]
October 16, 1755    Snyder County, Pennsylvania    Penn's Creek Massacre    14[49]    A group of Indians attacked settlers on Penn's Creek
May 10, 1768    Southwark in South London    Massacre of St George's Fields     7    British troops fired at a mob that was protesting at the imprisonment of John Wilkes, whose crime was criticizing King George III.
March 5, 1770    Boston, Province of Massachusetts Bay    Boston Massacre    5[50]    British troops fired at a mob of colonists. This helped spark the American Revolution even though an all-colonist jury found the soldiers innocent.[51][52]
July 17, 1771    Kugluktuk, Nunavut    Bloody Falls Massacre    20[53]    Chipewyan warriors attacked an Inuit camp, killing men, women and children.[54][55][56]
September 28, 1778    River Vale, New Jersey    Baylor Massacre    15[57]    British infantry troops attacked sleeping Continental Light Dragoons using bayonets.[57]
May 29, 1780    Lancaster, South Carolina    Waxhaw Massacre    113[58]    Loyalist troops under the command of British Colonel Banastre Tarleton slashed and bayoneted fallen American troops during the late stages of the Battle of Waxhaws. Conflicting contemporary accounts claim violation of an American white flag by one or the other of the sides involved.[59]
September 11, 1780    Luzerne County, Pennsylvania    Sugarloaf Massacre    15[60]    A group of loyalists and Indians during the American Revolutionary War led by Roland Montour attacked a group of American soldiers.
February 24, 1781    Alamance County, North Carolina    Pyle's Massacre    93    Patriot militia leader Colonel Henry Lee deceived Loyalist militia under Dr. John Pyle into thinking he was British commander Banastre Tarleton sent to meet them. Lee's men then opened fire, surprising and scattering Pyle's force.
March 8, 1782    Gnadenhutten, Ohio    Gnadenhutten massacre[61]
(Moravian massacre)    96    Pennsylvania militia men attacked a Moravian mission and killed 96 peaceful Christian American Indians there in retaliation for unrelated deaths of several white Pennsylvanians.[61][62]
1792    France    September Massacres[63][64]    ~1440    Popular courts in the French Revolution sentenced prisoners to death, including around 240 priests.[65]
1794    Warsaw, Poland    Massacre of Praga    20,000    Inhabitants of the Warsaw district Praga were massacred by pillaging Russian troops following the Battle of Praga.
December 1809    Whangaroa, New Zealand    Boyd massacre    66    Whangaroa Māori killed and ate 66 crew and passengers on ship The Boyd.[66]
December 9, 1817    Madulla, Central Province, Sri Lanka    Madulla massacre    22    British troops killed 22 unarmed native civilians who were hiding in a cave.[67][68]
1818    Uva Province, Sri Lanka    Uva-Wellassa Massacre    Male population above the age of 18[69][70]    The 1818 Uva-Wellassa Uprising also known as the Great Rebellion resulted in multiple atrocities against the local Sri Lankans by the British imperialists, including razing and annihilation of villages. The entire Uva region male population above the age of 18 years were killed in revenge for resistance against the British imperialist occupation.[69][70]
August 16, 1819    Manchester, England    Peterloo Massacre    11[66]    Armed cavalry charged a peaceful pro-democracy meeting of 60,000 people.[66]
March 1821    Constantinople    Massacre of Constaninopolitan Greeks    See Constantinople Massacre of 1821    Hundreds of Greeks were massacred by the Ottomans, including the Greek patriarch, bishops and officials.
September 1821    Peloponnese, Greece    Tripolitsa Massacre    35,000[71]    Up to 30,000 Turks were killed in Tripolitsa and the whole Jewish population was wiped out.[66]
August 19, 1821    Navarino, Peloponnese, Greece    Navarino Massacre    3,000[72]    The whole Turkish population of Navarino, which was around 3000, were killed by Greeks.[72]
1822    Chios, Greece    Chios massacre    about 20,000    Tens of thousands of Greeks on the island of Chios were slaughtered by Ottoman troops in 1822.
January 1838    Waterloo Creek, Australia    Waterloo Creek massacre[73]    100–300    Aboriginal Australians killed by a force of colonial mounted police.[74]
June 10, 1838    Myall Creek, Australia    Myall Creek massacre[73]    28    A white posse killed Aboriginal Australians. The perpetrators were convicted and sentenced to death.[75]
October 30, 1838    Caldwell County, Missouri, United States    Haun's Mill massacre[76]    19    About 240 Livingston County Missouri Regulators militiamen and volunteers killed 18 Mormons and one non-Mormon friend.[77][78]
1840    Gippsland, Australia    Gippsland massacres[79]    ~450[80]    A series of massacres spanning several years: 1840 – Nuntin, 1840 – Boney Point, 1841 – Butchers Creek – 30–35, 1841 – Maffra, 1842 – Skull Creek, 1842 – Bruthen Creek – "hundreds killed", 1843 – Warrigal Creek – between 60 and 180 shot, 1844 – Maffra, 1846 – South Gippsland – 14 killed, 1846 – Snowy River – 8 killed, 1846–47 – Central Gippsland – 50 or more shot, 1850 – East Gippsland – 15–20 killed, 1850 – Murrindal – 16 poisoned, 1850 – Brodribb River – 15–20 killed.[80] See also Angus McMillan.
January 6, 1842    Afghanistan    Massacre of Elphinstone's Army    16,000    Afghan tribes massacred Elphinstone's British army including some 12,000 civilians.[81][82][83]
April 8, 1857    Caborca, Sonora, Mexico    Crabb Massacre    84    Mexican rebels fight American rebels at Caborca, Sonora. Out of less than ninety Americans, about thirty were killed in battle and the rest were executed by the Mexicans.
September 11, 1857    Mountain Meadows, Utah, United States    Mountain Meadows massacre    120–140[84][85]    Mormon militia, some dressed as Indians, and Paiute tribesmen killed and plundered unarmed members of the Baker-Fancher emigrant wagon train.[86]
November 1857    Utah Territory, United States    Aiken massacre    6[87]    Six well-to-do Californians travelling through the territory during the so-called Mormon War, were arrested by Mormons as spies, released, then killed and robbed.[88]
January 18, 1863    Madison County, North Carolina, United States    Shelton Laurel Massacre    13    Thirteen boys and men, accused of being Union sympathizers and spies, were summarily executed by members of the 64th North Carolina Regiment of the Confederate Army.[89]
January 29, 1863    Washington Territory near present day Preston, Idaho United States    Bear River massacre    ~225[90]    3rd Regiment California Volunteer Infantry destroyed a village of Shoshone in southeastern Idaho.[91]
August 21, 1863    Lawrence, Kansas, United States    Lawrence Massacre    ~150[92][93]    Pro-Confederate bushwhackers attacked the town of Lawrence, Kansas during the American Civil War in retaliation for the Union attack on Osceola, Missouri.[94][95]
April 12, 1864    Henning, Tennessee, United States    Fort Pillow Massacre    350[96]    After their surrender following the Battle of Fort Pillow, most of the Union garrison – consisting primarily of Black troops – as well as civilians, including women and children, were massacred by Confederate forces under the command of General Nathan Bedford Forrest.[97][98][99][100]
November 29, 1864    Kiowa County, Colorado, United States    Sand Creek massacre    ~200[101]    Colorado Territory 90-day militia destroyed a peaceful village of Cheyenne and Arapaho on the eastern plains.[102][103]
November 27, 1868    Indian Territory, United States    Washita Massacre
(Battle of Washita River)    29–150    Lt. Col. G.A.Custer's 7th cavalry attacked a village of sleeping Cheyenne led by Black Kettle. Custer reported 103 – later revised to 140 – warriors, "some" women and "few" children killed, and 53 women and children taken hostage. Other casualty estimates by cavalry members, scouts and Indians vary widely, with the number of men killed ranging as low as 11 and the numbers of women and children ranging as high as 75. Before returning to their base, the cavalry killed several hundred Indian ponies and burned the village.[104][105][106][107][108][109][110][111][112][113][114]
April 30, 1876    Batak Ottoman Empire    Batak massacre[115][116][117]    3,000–5,000    Ottoman army irregulars killed Bulgarian civilians barricaded in Batak's church.[118]
April 2, 1885    Frog Lake, North-West Territories, Canada    Frog Lake Massacre    9    Cree warriors, dissatisfied with the lack of support from the Canadian Government for Treaty Indians, and exacerbated by food shortages resulting from the near-extinction of bison, killed nine white settlers, including Indian agent Thomas Quinn.[119][120]
September 2, 1885    Rock Springs, Wyoming, United States    Rock Springs massacre    28    Rioting white immigrant miners killed 28 Chinese miners, wounded 15, and 75 Chinese homes burned.[121][122][123]
December 29, 1890    Wounded Knee, South Dakota, United States    Wounded Knee Massacre    200–300[124]    The U.S. 7th Cavalry intercepted a band of Lakota people on their way to the Pine Ridge Reservation for shelter from the winter; as they were disarming them, a gun was fired, and the soldiers turned their artillery on the Lakota, killing men women and children.[125][126]
1894–1896    Anatolia, Ottoman Empire    Hamidian massacres    100,000–300,000[127]    
Sultan Abdul Hamid II ordered Ottoman forces to kill Armenians across the empire.[127][128][129]

September 10, 1897    Pennsylvania, United States    Lattimer massacre    19    Unarmed striking miners were shot in the back: many were wounded and 19 were killed.
January 18, 1900    Guaymas, Mexico    Mazocoba Massacre    ~400    Mexican Army troops attack Yaqui hostiles west of Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico.
January 31, 1902    Leliefontein, Northern Cape, South Africa    Leliefontein massacre[130]    35    During the Second Boer War, Boer forces under Manie Maritz massacred 35 Khoikhoi for being British sympathisers.
March 10, 1906    Bud Dajo, Jolo Island, Philippines    Moro Crater massacre[131][132]    800–1,000    A U.S. Army force of 540 soldiers under the command of Major General Leonard Wood, accompanied by a naval detachment and with a detachment of native constabulary, armed with artillery and small firearms, attacked a Muslim village hidden in the crater of a dormant volcano.[133]
December 21, 1907    Chile    Santa María School massacre    2,200–3,600[citation needed]    Was a massacre of striking workers, mostly saltpeter (nitrate) miners, along with wives and children, committed by the Chilean Army in Iquique, Chile. It occurred during the peak of the nitrate mining era, which coincided with the Parliamentary Period in Chilean political history (1891–1925). With the massacre and an ensuing reign of terror, not only was the strike broken, but the workers' movement was thrown into limbo for over a decade.[citation needed]
April–May 1909    Adana Province, Anatolia, Ottoman Empire    Adana massacre    15,000–30,000    In April 1909, a religious-ethnic clash in the city of Adana, amidst governmental upheaval, resulted in a series of anti-Armenian pogroms throughout the district, resulting in an estimated 15,000 to 30,000 deaths.[134][135][136][137][138]
April 20, 1914    Ludlow, Colorado, United States    Ludlow massacre    20    Twenty people, 11 of them children, died during an attack by the Colorado National Guard on a tent colony of 1,200 striking coal miners and their families at Ludlow, Colorado. The event led to wider conflict quelled only by Federal troops sent in by U.S. President Woodrow Wilson.[139][140][141]
April 13, 1919    Amritsar, India    Jallianwala Bagh massacre    379–1526[142][broken citation][143][144]    90 British Indian Army soldiers, led by Brigadier Reginald Dyer, opened fire on an unarmed gathering of men, women and children. The firing lasted for 10 to 15 minutes, until they ran out of ammunition.[143][144]
November 21, 1920    Dublin, Ireland    Croke Park Massacre    23[145]    British Auxiliary police and Black and Tans fired at Gaelic football spectators at Croke Park.[145][146]
January 1923    Rosewood, Florida, United States    Rosewood Massacre    8    Several days of violence by white mobs, ranging in size up to 400 people, resulted in the deaths of six blacks and two whites and the destruction of the town of Rosewood, which was abandoned after the incident.[147]
May 18, 1927    Bath Township, Michigan, United States    Bath School massacre
(Bath School disaster)    45    37 children and a 30 year-old teacher at Bathtown elementary school were killed by a major explosion set off by school board treasurer Andrew Kehoe. About a half hour after the explosion, Kehoe then detonated dynamite in his truck, killing himself and five others, including a fourth grader and four adults. Also, some hours before the event, Kehoe killed his wife at their Bath Township home. This event was the most deadliest mass murder in a school in United States history.
February 14, 1929    Chicago, United States    Saint Valentine's Day massacre    7[148]    Al Capone's gang shot rival gang members and their associates.[149]
August 1929    Hebron, Mandatory Palestine    1929 Hebron massacre    69[150]    Arabs kill 69 Jews after being incited by religious leaders. Survivors were relocated to Jerusalem, "leaving Hebron barren of Jews for the first time in hundreds of years."[150]
August 1929    Safed, Mandatory Palestine    1929 Safed massacre    18[151]    Arabs killed 18 Jews, wounded around 40, and some 200 houses were burned and looted.[152]
April 23, 1930    Peshawar, British Raj    Qissa Khwani bazaar massacre    200–250[153][154]    Soldiers of the British Raj fired on unarmed non-violent protestors of the Khudai Khidmatgar with machine guns during the Indian independence movement[153][154]
July 1930    Van Province, Turkey    Zilan massacre    4,500[155] - 47,000[156]    Turkish troops massacred Kurdish residents during the Ararat rebellion.
August 1933    Iraq    Simele massacre    3,000[157]    Iraqi Army killed 3,000 Assyrian men women and children.[157] The massacre amongst other things included rape, cars running over children and bayoneting pregnant women and children.[157]
March 21, 1937    Ponce, Puerto Rico    Ponce massacre    19[158]    The Insular Police fired on unarmed Nationalist demonstrators peacefully marching to commemorate the ending of slavery in Puerto Rico.[158] It was the biggest massacre in Puerto Rican history.[159]
1937–1938    Tunceli Province, Turkey    Dersim Massacre    13,160[160]-70,000[161]    Turkish troops massacred Alevi residents during the Dersim Rebellion.
December 1937 – January 1938    Nanjing, China    Nanking Massacre[162][163]
Up to 200,000[164]    The Imperial Japanese Army pillaged and burned Nanking while, at the same time, murdering, enslaving, and torturing prisoners of war and civilians.[165]
April–May 1940    Katyn, Soviet Union    Katyn massacre    21,857–25,700[166][167][168]    Soviet NKVD executed Polish intelligentsia, POWs and reserve officers.[169][170]
June–October 1941    Soviet Union, Baltic states    NKVD prisoner massacres    9,000–100,000[171]    The Soviet People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs (Narodnyy Komissariat Vnutrennikh Del, or NKVD) executed thousands of political prisoners in the initial stages of Operation Barbarossa.[171][172]
September 29, 1941    Ukraine    Babi Yar massacre    30,000[173]    Nazi Einsatzgruppen killed the Jewish population of Kiev.[173][174][175][176][177]
October 20–21, 1941    Serbia    Kragujevac massacre    2,796-5,000    Nazi soldiers massacred Serb and Roma hostages in retaliation for attacks on the occupying forces.
October 22–24, 1941    Odessa, Soviet Union    Odessa Massacre    25,000–34,000    Romanian and German troops, supported by local authorities, massacred Jews in Odessa and the surrounding towns in Transnistria after a bomb detonated in the Romanian HQ.[178]
November 25 and 29, 1941    Kaunas, Lithuania    Ninth Fort massacres of November 1941    4,934    The first systematic mass killings of German Jews during the Holocaust.
February 1942    Laha Airfield, Ambon Island    Laha massacre    ~300[179]    The Japanese killed surrendered Australian soldiers.[179][180]
June 10, 1942    Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia    Lidice massacre    340[181]    Nazis killed 192 men, and sent the women and children to Nazi concentration camps where many died.[181][182][183]
1943    Volhynia, Ukraine    Massacres of Poles in Volhynia    50,000-100,000    The murders of Polish citizens of the Wołyń Voivodeship, orchestrated, and conducted in most part by the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) supported by the civil Ukrainian peasants in years 1943-1947. The peak of the massacres took place in July and August 1943 when a senior UPA commander, Dmytro Klyachkivsky, ordered the extermination of the entire Polish population between 16 and 60 years of age.[184][185][186]
September 21, 1943    Kefalonia, Greece    Massacre of the Acqui Division    5,000    Wehrmacht troops executed POWs from the Italian 33 Infantry Division Acqui.
October 7, 1943    Wake Island    Wake Island massacre    98    Japanese forces under Rear Admiral Shigematsu Sakaibara massacred the remaining 98 U.S. civilians in fear of the anticipation U.S. invasion of Wake Island two days after a U.S. air raid on the island.[187][188]
December 13, 1943    Kalavryta, Greece    Massacre of Kalavryta    511-1200    The extermination of the male population and the subsequent total destruction of the town of Kalavryta, in Greece, by German occupying forces during World War II on 13 December 1943. It is the most serious case of war crimes committed during the Axis occupation of Greece during World War II.
January 27, 1944    Chechnya, Soviet Union    Khaibakh massacre    700    The Khaibakh massacre refers to a report of mass execution of the ethnically Chechen population of the aul of Khaibakh, in the mountainous part of Chechnya, by Soviet forces under a NKVD colonel Mikhail Gveshiani.
April 1, 1944    Ascq, France    Ascq massacre    86    The Waffen-SS killed 86 men after a bomb attack in the gare d'Ascq.
June 10, 1944    Oradour-sur-Glane, France    Oradour-sur-Glane massacre    642[189]    The Waffen-SS killed 642 men, women and children without giving any specific reasons for their actions.[189][190][191][192][193][194]
June 10, 1944    Distomo, Greece    Distomo massacre    218    Nazi war crime perpetrated by members of the Waffen-SS in the village of Distomo, Greece, during the Axis occupation of Greece during World War II.
August 8, 1944    Warsaw, Poland    Wola massacre    40,000–100,000    Special groups of SS and German soldiers of the Wehrmacht went from house to house in Warsaw district Wola, rounding-up and shooting all inhabitants.
August 12, 1944    Sant'Anna di Stazzema, Italy    Sant'Anna di Stazzema massacre    560    Retreating SS-men of the II Battallion of SS-Panzergrenadier–Regiment 35 of 16th SS Panzergrenadier Division Reichsführer-SS, rounded up 560 villagers and refugees — mostly women, children and older men — shot them and then burned their bodies.
August 1944    Warsaw, Poland    Ochota massacre    10,000    Mass murders of citizens of Warsaw district Ochota in August 1944, committed by Waffen-SS.
August 26, 1944    Rüsselsheim, Germany    Rüsselsheim massacre    6    The townspeople of Rüsselsheim killed six American POWs who were walking through the bombed-out town while escorted by two German guards.
October 1944    Italy    Marzabotto massacre    700–1,800[195]    The SS killed Italian civilians in reprisal for support given to the resistance movement.[195][196]
December 1944    Malmedy, Belgium    Malmedy massacre    88    Nazi Waffen SS soldiers shot American POWs (43 escaped).[197][198]
January 1945    Chenogne, Belgium    Chenogne massacre    60    German prisoners of war were shot by American soldiers in an unauthorized retaliation for the Malmedy Massacre.
February 1945    Manila, Philippines    Manila massacre    100,000    Japanese occupying forces massacred an estimated 100,000 Filipino civilians during the Battle of Manila.
April 10, 1945    Celle, Germany    Celler Hasenjagd    300    The Celler Hasenjagd ("hare chase of Celle") was a massacre of concentration camp inmates that took place in Celle at the end of the Second World War.
May 15, 1945    Bleiburg, Austria    Bleiburg massacre[6]    ~80,000 [7]    Yugoslav Partisans led by Josip Broz Tito committed genocide and brutal war crimes against Croatian people (also some Slovenes, Serbs, Montenegrins) at Bleiburg (Austria) known under the name Bleiburg tragedy and Croatian "Way of the Cross". A huge responsibility for this tragedy lies on British Army who extradited POWs to Yugoslav Partisans.[199][200]
May 1945    Sétif, Algeria    Sétif massacre    6,000    Muslim villages were bombed by French aircraft and the cruiser Duguay-Trouin standing off the coast, in the Gulf of Bougie, shelled Kerrata. Pied noir vigilantes lynched prisoners taken from local gaols or randomly shot Muslims[201][202][203]
July 31, 1945    Ústí nad Labem, today Czech republic    Ústí massacre    80-2700    The Ústí massacre (Czech: Ústecký masakr, German: Massaker von Aussig) was a lynching of ethnic Germans in Ústí nad Labem (German: Aussig an der Elbe), a largely ethnic German city in northern Bohemia ("Sudetenland") shortly after the end of the World War II, on July 31, 1945.

February 28, 1947    Taiwan    228 Incident    18,000~28,000    It was an anti-government uprising in Taiwan, and was violently suppressed by the Kuomintang government.
December 30, 1947    Haifa, Mandatory Palestine    Haifa Oil Refinery massacre    45    Zionist group Irgun throws a bomb on a group of 100 Palestinian refinery workers, killing 6 and wounding 42. Palestinian workers then attack Jewish refinery workers in retaliation, resulting in 39 deaths and 49 injuries,[207]
December 31, 1947    Haifa, Mandatory Palestine    Balad al-Shaykh massacre    17-71    Haganah attacks residents of Palestinian Balad al-Shaykh village, killing 21 while residents were asleep.
April 3, 1948    Jeju island, South Korea    Jeju massacre    25,000[208]-60,000[209]    Brutal suppression of an uprising. Many Communist sympathizer civilians were killed by South Korean troops whilst putting down the rebellion. Between 25,000 to 60,000 people died during the uprising.[209]
April 9, 1948    Deir Yassin, Mandatory Palestine    Deir Yassin Massacre    107    The Deir Yassin massacre took place when the Irgun and Lehi Zionist terrorist groups attacked the Palestinian Arab village of Deir Yassin near Jerusalem, population of 750. Villagers had signed an non-aggression pact with Zionist forces and were asleep at the time of the attack. Arab fatalities estimate 107 included civilian men, women, and children.[210]
April 13, 1948    Mount Scopus, Mandatory Palestine    Hadassah medical convoy massacre    79    Convoy, escorted by Haganah militia, bringing medical and fortification supplies and personnel to Hadassah Hospital on Mount Scopus was ambushed by Arab forces. 78 Jews, mainly doctors and nurses, were killed in the ambush.[211]
May 13, 1948    Kfar Etzion, Mandatory Palestine    Kfar Etzion massacre    157    Arab armed forces attacked a Jewish kibbutz the day before the Declaration of Independence of the state of Israel[212][213]
May 22, 1948    Tantura, Mandatory Palestine    Tantura Massacre     95 - 240    Zionist Alexandroni Brigade attacked the village of Tantura and massacres some of its civilians[214]
July 11, 1948    Lydda, Mandatory Palestine    Lydda massacre (Dahamsh Mosque massacre)    250-426    Over 150 Palestinian civilians had taken shelter in the Dahamsh Mosque during the Israeli conquest of Lydda (today's Lod) when an Israeli soldier dug a hole in the wall of the mosque and shot an anti-tank shell through it. All were crushed against the walls by the pressure from the blast and killed.[215] Also killed were 20 more after cleaning up the scene of the massacre. More civilians were killed as Israeli soldiers of the 89th Brigade, led by Moshe Dayan, throw grenades inside Palestinian houses, and those who fled to the streets were shot at by Zionist militants. Almost the entire population of Lydda, about 50,000 civilians at the time, which included many refugees, were then expelled and hundreds of men, women and children died due to dehydration, exhaustion and disease during a "death march" to the Arab front lines.[216]
October 30    Eilabun, Israel    Eilabun massacre    14    Israeli army kills 14 Palestinian Christians from the Eilaboun village, in north Israel, and expels the rest of the residents to Lebanon. Part of the community returns some months thereafter, due to pressure from the United Nations and the Vatican.
October 31 – November 1, 1948    Hula, Lebanon    Hula massacre    35-58    The Hula massacre took place October 31 – November 1, 1948. Hula is a Lebanese Shi'a Muslim village near the Lebanese Litani River. It was captured by the Carmeli Brigade of the Israel Defense Forces without any resistance. 35–58 captured men were reportedly shot down in a house which was later blown up on top of them. Two officers were responsible for the massacre; one served a one year prison sentence and later received presidential amnesty. Shmuel Lahis was later to become Director General of the Jewish Agency.[217][218]
Saliha, Mandatory Palestine    Saliha massacre    94    94 Palestinian villagers are packed inside an abode, which was then blown up over their heads by the Zionist Seventh Brigade.[219]
December 12, 1948    Batang Kali, Malaya    Batang Kali massacre    24    Villagers were purportedly shot by British troops before the village was burnt.[220][221][222]
December 24, 1949    Mungyeong, South Korea    Mungyeong massacre    86-88[223][224]    Communist sympathizer civilians were killed by South Korean troops.
June 28, 1950    South Korea    Bodo League massacre    100,000[225]-200,000[226]    During the Korean War, communist sympathizer civilians or prisoners were killed by South Korean troops. The number of victims was likely between 100,000 and 200,000.[225][226]
June 28, 1950    Seoul, South Korea    Seoul National University Hospital Massacre    900[227]    During the Korean War, medical personnels, inpatients and wounded soldiers were killed by North Korean troops. The victims were 900[227]
July 26–29, 1950    No Gun Ri, South Korea    No Gun Ri Massacre    163-400    Early in the Korean War, South Korean refugees trying to cross U.S. lines at No Gun Ri were killed by U.S. troops fearing North Korean infiltrators. In 2005, the South Korean government certified the names of 150 dead, 13 missing and 55 wounded, some of whom died of wounds, and said reports on many more victims were not filed.[228] Survivors estimated 400 dead.[229]
August 14, 1950    Waegwan, South Korea    Hill 303 massacre    41[230]    During the Korean War, American POWs were massacred by North Korean Army on August 14, 1950.[230]
October 1950 – early 1951    Namyangju, North Korea    Namyangju Massacre    460[231]    During the Korean War, South Korean citizens were massacred by South Korean Police between October 1950[232] to early 1951.[233]
October 9–31, 1950    Goyang, South Korea    Goyang Geumjeong Cave Massacre    153[234]    During the Korean War, South Korean citizens were massacred by South Korean Police between October 9 to October 31, 1950.[234]
October 17 – December 7, 1950    Sinchon, North Korea    Sinchon Massacre    30,000[231]    The North Korean government claims that North Korean citizens were massacred by United States forces between October 17 to December 7, 1950.[231] This is widely disputed.
January 6–9, 1951    Ganghwa, South Korea    Ganghwa massacre    212[235]-1,300[236]    During the Korean War, Communist collabolator civilians were massacred by South Korean forces, South Korean Police forces and pro-South Korea forces Militia.
February 7, 1951    Sancheong and Hamyang, South Korea    Sancheong and Hamyang massacre    705[237]    During the Korean War, Communist sympathizer civilians were massacred by South Korean Army on February 7, 1951.[237]
February 9–11, 1951    Geochang, South Korea    Geochang massacre    719[238]    During the Korean War, Communist sympathizer civilians were massacred by South Korean Army between February 9 and February 11, 1951.[238]
March 26, 1953    Lari near Nairobi, Kenya    Lari Massacre    ~150    About 150 Kikuyu were killed by fellow tribesmen.[239][240]
October 29, 1956    Kafr Qasim, Israel    Kafr Qasim massacre    48-49    Israeli Border Police shoot Israeli Arab farmers returning to their village from work, unaware of a curfew imposed on it. The police command ordered that civilians caught disobeying the curfew be shot. Over half the casualties were women and children.
March 21, 1960    Sharpeville, South Africa    Sharpeville massacre    72–90[241]    South African police shot down black protesters.[242]
June 16, 1960    Mueda, Mozambique    Mueda massacre    200–325    Makonde nationalists organized a demonstration in front of the Mueda District headquarters on the Mueda town square demanding independence from Portugal, apparently the district administrator had invited them to present their grievances.[243] The administrator ordered the leaders arrested, and the crowd protested.[244] The Portuguese administrator ordered his pre-assembled troops to fire on the crowd,[245] and then many more were thrown to their death into a ravine.[246] The number of dead is in dispute.[247] However, resentment generated by these events led ultimately to independentist guerrilla FRELIMO gaining needed momentum in the outset of the Mozambican War of Independence.[244][245]
October 17, 1961    Paris, France    Paris massacre of 1961    200–325    French police, commanded by Maurice Papon, crushed a pacific demonstration of Algerians independentists.
June 2, 1962    Novocherkassk, Soviet Union    Novocherkassk massacre    23–70[248][249]    The MVD open fire on a crowd of protesters demonstrating against inflation.[250]
July 5, 1962    Oran, Algeria    Oran massacre of 1962    95–548    Massacre of European, mostly French—civilians by the Algerian FLN, at the end of the Algerian War (1954–62).
January 18–21, 1964    Zanzibar    Massacres during the Zanzibar Revolution    8,000–17,000[251][252]    Following the overthrow of the Sultan, thousands of Arabs and Indians were massacred by John Okello's forces.[253][254][255]
February 12 – March 17, 1966    Tay Vinh massacre village in Tây Sơn District
of Bình Định Province, South Vietnam    Tay Vinh massacre    1,200[256]    South Korean soldiers killed 1,200 South Vietnamese villagers.[256]
February 26, 1966    Gò Dài hamlet, Binh An village in Tây Sơn District
of Bình Định Province, South Vietnam    Gò Dài massacre    380[256]    South Korean soldiers killed 380 unarmed South Vietnamese villagers.[256]
August 1, 1966    Austin, Texas, United States    University of Texas massacre    16    University of Texas was the site of a massacre by Charles Whitman, who killed his mother and wife at their homes before killing 15 and wounding 32 others at the University atop the university tower before the police killed him.
October 9, 1966    Binh Tai village in Phước Bình District of Sông Bé Province, South Vietnam    Binh Tai Massacre    68[257]    South Korean soldiers killed 68 South Vietnamese villagers.[257]
October 9–10, 1966    Tinh Son village, Quảng Ngãi Province, South Vietnam    Diên Niên - Phước Bình massacre    280[258]    South Korean soldiers killed 280 South Vietnamese villagers.[258]
December 3–6, 1966    Binh Hoa village in Quảng Ngãi Province, South Vietnam    Bình Hòa massacre    422-430[259][260]    South Korean soldiers killed South Vietnamese villagers.[259]
January 31 – February 28, 1968    Huế, South Vietnam    Huế massacre    2,800–6,000[261]    During the Vietnam War, unarmed South Vietnamese civilians were massacred by Vietnam People's Army and Vietcong.
1968 1968    Corregidor, Philippines    Jabidah Massacre    11-200    [262][263][264]
February 12, 1968    Phong Nhi and Phong Nhat hamlets,
Dien Ban District of Quảng Nam Province, South Vietnam    Phong Nhi and Phong Nhat massacre    79[265]    South Korean soldiers killed unarmed South Vietnamese villagers.
February 25, 1968    Hà My village, Quảng Nam Province, South Vietnam    Hà My massacre    135[266]    South Korean soldiers killed unarmed South Vietnamese villagers.
March 16, 1968    Mỹ Lai and Mỹ Khê hamlets,
Sơn Mỹ, Quảng Ngãi, South Vietnam    My Lai Massacre    504[267]    U.S. soldiers murdered, tortured and assaulted 347–504 unarmed South Vietnamese villagers–suspected of aiding Vietcong–ranging in ages from 1 to 81 years, mostly women and children.[267][268]
October 2, 1968    Mexico City, Mexico    Tlatelolco massacre    25–250[269][270]    Government troops massacred between 25 (officially) and 250 (according to human rights activists, CIA documents[271] and independent investigations) students 10 days before the 1968 Summer Olympics taking place in Mexico City, and then tried to wash the blood away, along with evidence of the massacre.[270][272]
May 4, 1970    Kent State University, Ohio, United States    Kent State massacre    4[273]    29 members of the Ohio National Guard opened fire on unarmed students protesting the expansion of the Vietnam War into Cambodia on the Kent State University college campus, killing 4 and wounding 9, one of whom was permanently paralyzed.[273][274][275]
May 15, 1971    Barisal District, East Pakistan    Ketnar Bil massacre    More than 500    Massacre of unarmed Bengali Hindus in Ketnar Bil region of Barisal District by the Pakistan Occupation Army.
June 10, 1971    Mexico City, Mexico    Corpus Christi massacre    ? (officially)-120 (according to independent investigations)    Similar to the Tlatelolco Massacre, the Corpus Christi Massacre took place on Thursday, June 10, 1971 when a student march got brutally attacked by a shock group called Los Halcones.
January 30, 1972    Derry, Northern Ireland    Bogside Massacre
(Bloody Sunday)[276]    14[277]    British paratroopers fired on unarmed civil rights protesters, killing 14.[278] The government sponsored Saville Report, released in June 2010, found all those killed were innocent civil rights demonstrators, prompting an apology by UK Prime Minister David Cameron. As of that time, no one had been prosecuted for the killings.[279]
May 30, 1972    Lod, Israel    Lod Airport massacre    26[280]    Three members of the Japanese Red Army, on behalf of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, killed 26 people and injured 80 others at Tel Aviv's Lod airport (now Ben Gurion International Airport).[280][281][282][283][284]
September 5, 1972    Munich, Germany    Munich Massacre[285]    12[286]    Members of the Israeli Olympic team were taken hostage and killed by the Palestinian Black September group. A West German police officer was also killed.
May 25, 1973    Ezeiza, Argentina    Ezeiza Massacre[287]    13[287]    Members of the right wing of the Peronist party shot and killed at least 13 after Peron's return to Argentina.
May 15, 1974    Ma'alot, Israel    Ma'alot massacre[288][289]    29[289]    Members of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine infiltrate Israel from Lebanon, shoot and kill a Christian Arab woman and a Jewish couple and their 4-year-old son, and then take hostage and kill 22 high school students and three of their adult escorts.[289]
August 14, 1974    Maratha, Santalaris and Aloda, Cyprus    Maratha, Santalaris and Aloda massacre[290][291][292]    126[293]    EOKA-B gunmen massacred the Turkish Cypriot inhabitants of the villages of Maratha, Santalaris and Aloda.[290][293]
July 31, 1975    Northern Ireland    Miami Showband massacre    5    Members of the Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) killed three members of pop group the Miami Showband in a gun and bomb attack. Two UVF members also died when the bomb exploded prematurely.[294][295][296][297][298]
January 5, 1976    Northern Ireland    Kingsmill massacre    10[299]    Irish republicans shot ten Protestant workers dead outside the village of Kingsmill in County Armagh, Northern Ireland.[299][300]
January 18, 1976    Lebanon    Karantina massacre    1,500    Lebanese Christian militias overrun the Karantina district in East Beirut and kill up to 1,500 Palestinians and Muslims during the Lebanese Civil War.[301]
January 20, 1976    Lebanon    Damour massacre    582[302]    Palestinian militia aligned with the Lebanese National Movement kill 150 to 582 Christian civilians in the village of Damour during the Lebanese Civil War, in retaliation for the Karantina massacre.[302]
August 12, 1976    Lebanon    Tel al-Zaatar massacre    1,500 to 3000    Lebanese Christian militias enter the Tel al-Zaatar refugee camp and kill up to 3,000 people during the Lebanese Civil War.[303][304]
March 11, 1978    Israel    Coastal Road massacre    35[305]    Palestinian Fatah members based in Lebanon land on a beach north of Tel Aviv, kill an American photographer, and hijack an inter-city bus driving along Israel's Coastal Highway. 35 civilians are killed and 80 wounded.[305][306][307][308]
January 31, 1979    Marichjhapi, West Bengal, India    Marichjhapi massacre    10,000-15000    Marichjhapi massacre refers to the forcible eviction of Bengali Hindu refugees and their subsequent death by starvation, exhaustion and police firing in the period between January to June, 1979. The Hindu refugees who had fled East Pakistan in the sixties, had settled in Dandakaranya. In the seventies, the Left Front leaders launched a campaign for the return of the Bengali Hindu refugees to their native land. By April, 1978, around 30,000 Bengali Hindu refugees had settled in the island of Marichjhapi in the Sundarbans. The Left Front government imposed economic sanctions on Marichjhapi and cordoned off the island with police. When the inhabitants tried to swim across to other islands, they were shot dead. Out of the 14,388 families that had settled in the island 4,128 died of starvation, exhaustion and police firing.
May 18, 1980    South Korea    Gwangju massacre    165    An escalated popular uprising in the city of Gwangju, South Korea during which some of the civilian protesters armed themselves by raiding police stations and military depots led to the South Korean army violently ending the protests, causing 165(maximum estimated)of deaths(including 24 soldiers, 4 policemen).
June 27, 1980    Palmyra, Syria    Tadmor Prison massacre    about 1,000    The massacre occurred the day after a failed attempt to assassinate Syrian president Hafez el-Assad. Members of the units of the Defence Brigades, under the command of Rifaat El Assad, brother of the president, entered in Tadmor Prison and assassinated about a thousand prisoners in the cells and the dormitories.
December 11, 1981    El Salvador    El Mozote Massacre    1,000    The El Mozote Massacre took place in the village of El Mozote, in Morazán department, El Salvador, on December 11, 1981, when Salvadoran armed forces trained by the United States military killed at least 1000 civilians in an anti-guerrilla campaign.[309]
January 14, 1982    Mexico    Tula Massacre    13    13 tortured bodies were found at Tula, Hidalgo, Mexico at the time of Arturo Durazo Moreno Administration
February 2, 1982    Syria    Hama massacre    7,000–35,000[310][dead link]    The Syrian Army killed an estimated 30,000 people in the city of Hama. Instances of mass execution and torture by the Syrian military were documented during the attacks.[311]
September 16–18, 1982    Lebanon    Sabra and Shatila massacre    700–3,500    Residents of Sabra and Shatila, mostly Palestinian refugees and Lebanese Shia, are killed by the Christian Lebanese Forces militia in the refugee camps, with the help of Israeli forces that encircled the area. The United Nations General Assembly condemned the massacre and declared it to be an act of genocide.[312][313][314]
April 3, 1983    Peru    Lucanamarca massacre    69    Maoist Shining Path guerrillas massacre 69 men, women and children with axes, machetes and guns in and around the town of Lucanamarca, Peru.[315]
July 18, 1984    San Diego, United States    San Ysidro McDonald's Massacre    21    Gunman James Oliver Huberty killed 21 people in a McDonald's restaurant before being fatally shot by a SWAT team sniper.[316][317][318]
October 31–November 3, 1984    India    1984 Sikh Massacre    2,700–20,000    Mobs composed primarily of Indian National Congress workers and local hoodlums chase down and lynch Sikhs in northern India following the assassination of India PM, Indira Gandhi, at the hands of her Sikh guards.
March 23, 1985    Iraq    Dujail Massacre    129[319]
(33 died in detention before trial)    Dujail was the site of an unsuccessful assassination attempt against then Iraqi president, Saddam Hussein by the Shiite Dawa Party, on July 8, 1982. Saddam Hussein ordered his special security and military forces to arrest all Dawa members and their families, imprisoning 787 men, women and children. In March 1985, 96 of the 148 who had confessed to having taken part in the assassination attempt were executed.[319][320][321][322]
May 14, 1985    Sri Lanka    Anuradhapura massacre    146[323]    Tamil Tiger gunmen shoot dead 146 Sinhalese civilians including Buddhist nuns and monks and injure 85 others as they were praying at Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi, a sacred Buddhist shrine in Anuradhapura.[324]
August 14, 1985    Peru    Accomarca massacre    47–74[325][326][327]    An army massacre of campesinos (including six children) in Accomarca, Ayacucho.[326]
June 2, 1987    Sri Lanka    Aranthalawa Massacre    32    Tamil Tigers stop a bus carrying Buddhist monks in Arantalawa and massacre all except of one monk. Killed in the massacre are Chief Priest Ven. Hegoda Indrasara and several novice monks (under the age of 18)[328]
August 9, 1987    Clifton Hill, Victoria, Australia    Hoddle Street massacre    7[329]    The Hoddle Street massacre of 9 August 1987 was a killing spree which claimed the lives of 7 people and wounded 19 others at Hoddle Street in Clifton Hill in north-eastern Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.[330]
August 19, 1987    Hungerford, England    Hungerford massacre    16[331]    A gunman armed with semi-automatic rifles and a handgun killed 16 people before committing suicide.[332]
November 8, 1987    Enniskillen, Northern Ireland    Remembrance Day bombing
(Poppy Day Massacre)    12    Provisional IRA bombing at the town's cenotaph on Remembrance Sunday.[333]
December 8, 1987    Melbourne, Victoria, Australia    Queen Street massacre    8[329]    The Queen Street massacre of 8 December 1987 was a killing spree which claimed the lives of 8 people and wounded 5 others in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.[330]
March 16, 1988    Belfast, Northern Ireland    Milltown massacre    3    Ulster Defence Association (UDA) member Michael Stone kills three people and injures 60 others in a gun and grenade attack at the funeral of three IRA members being held in Milltown Cemetery, Belfast.[334][335]
June 4, 1989    Tiananmen Square, Beijing, China    Tiananmen Square Massacre    400–3,000[336]    The mourning of Hu Yaobang eventually evolved into a large-scale anti-corruption and democratic demonstration, which was ended in a violent suppression by state-controlled army. The actual number of deaths is still unknown.[337][338]
December 6, 1989    École Polytechnique, Montreal, Canada    École Polytechnique massacre[339]    14    Marc Lépine, a misogynist and anti-feminist, shot and killed 14 female students of the École Polytechnique de Montréal and wounded 14 other people before turning his gun on himself. The event led to stricter gun control laws[340] and changes in police tactical response to shootings in Canada.[341]
September 5, 1990    Batticaloa District, Sri Lanka    Eastern University massacre,    158[342]    Eastern University massacre is the massacre of 158 minority Sri Lankan Tamil civilians by the Sri Lankan Army in the eastern Batticaloa District, Sri Lanka.[342][343][344]
September 9, 1990    Batticaloa District, Sri Lanka    Sathurukondan massacre    184[345][346]    Sathurukondan massacre, also known as the 1990 Batticaloa massacre is the massacre of 184 minority Sri Lankan Tamil civilians by the Sri Lankan Army in the eastern Batticaloa District, Sri Lanka.[345][346][347][348][349]
November 13, 1990    Aramoana, New Zealand    Aramoana massacre    13    Lone gunman David Malcolm Gray began shooting indiscriminately at people, killing 13 people before being killed by police himself, allegedly after a dispute with his next door neighbor. It remains New Zealands deadliest criminal shooting.[350][351][352][353]
October 16, 1991    Killeen, Texas, United States    Luby's massacre    22    George Jo Hennard drove his pickup truck into a Luby's Cafeteria and shot and killed 22 people, wounded another 20 and then committed suicide by shooting himself.[354][355][356][357][358]
1980-1990    Punjab, India    Ethnic Cleansing of Hindu in India (in their own country) by Khalistani / Sikh Terrorists    In Thousands    
Sikh / Khalistani terrorists in Punjab were trained by Pakistan, they slaughtered thousands of innocent Hindu and carry out Hindu genocide between 1980 to 1990 IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY and were systematically forced to leave Punjab. Buses and trains were blocked by Khalistani terrorist, Hindu men were identified, pulled out of the buses - trains and shot in front of their mother, father, children, wife, brother, sister. Once again Hindu genocide took place on Hindu's land, on their own country and they were forced to leave their homes, all earnings and livelihood. They lost everything they had. You can google to find more online articles like these:
How Many Indians Died During The Khalistani Movement
Sikh Gunmen Kill 24 Hindus, Wound 7 on Punjab Bus
Sikhs Kill 6 Hindus In Punjab Clashes
Police in India Put Toll in Train Attacks Between 76 and 126
Sikh terrorists blew off Air India Flight 182 and killed 329 innocent passengers
1989-1991    Jammu & Kashmir, India    The Hindu Kashmiri Pandits: An Ethnic Cleansing the World Forgot    4,00,000    
In Jammu and Kashmir, Islamic terrorists infiltrated the region in 1989 and began an ethnic cleansing campaign to convert Kashmir to a Muslim state. Since that time, over 400,000 Kashmiri Hindus have either been murdered or forced from their homes IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY.[359]
A total of 72,077 families, representing nearly 98% of the Pandit population, were driven out due to ethnic cleansing. The official figures indicate that 16,850 civilians (Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs) have been killed by terrorists in the period 1981-1997, 9309 homes have been burnt down, along with 1659 small business shops. Even today, a decade later, nearly 50,000 families are living in refugee camps, with approximately 60% camped in Jammu region and the rest in Delhi region.[360]
The Kashmiri Pandits: An Ethnic Cleansing the World Forgot
Ethnic cleansing was evidently a systematic component of the terrorists’ strategic agenda in J&K, and estimates suggest that, just between February and March 1990, 140,000 to 160,000 Pandits had fled the Kashmir Valley to Jammu, Delhi, or other parts of the country. Simultaneously, there were a number of high-profile killings of senior Hindu officials, intellectuals and prominent personalities. Eventually, an estimated 400,000 Pandits – over 95 per cent of their original population in the Valley – became part of the neglected statistic of 'internal refugees' who were pushed out of their homes as a result of this campaign of terror.[361]
Thousands of innocent Hindu families in Jammu & Kashmir were slaughte

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