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Faked kidnappings

2014-3-16 22:31| view publisher: amanda| views: 1002| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: Fairlie Arrow (1991), an Australian singer, went missing for two days and was found tied up in a road in Queensland. She claimed she had been abducted by a fan but, two weeks later, admitted making up ...
Fairlie Arrow (1991), an Australian singer, went missing for two days and was found tied up in a road in Queensland. She claimed she had been abducted by a fan but, two weeks later, admitted making up the story to boost her flagging career.[16][17][18]
Jules Croiset, Dutch actor who faked being kidnapped by neo-Nazis.[why?][19]
Joanna Grenside (1992), an aerobics teacher from Harpenden, England, who staged her disappearance to avoid Christmas.[clarification needed][18]
Dar Heatherington, Alberta city councillor who claimed to have been abducted in Montana.
Aimee Semple McPherson, evangelist who maintained she was kidnapped while all evidence pointed to the contrary.
Audrey Seiler, University of Wisconsin–Madison student who faked her own kidnapping in the spring of 2004.
Jennifer Wilbanks (a.k.a. the Runaway Bride): American woman who alleged that she was kidnapped as an excuse for her running away from her own wedding in late April 2005.
Michele Sindona, Italian banker; murdered, but kidnapping was fake.[citation needed]

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