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门户 Health Nutrition Healthy eating pyramid view content

Food groups

2014-2-22 16:09| view publisher: amanda| views: 1002| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: In general terms, the healthy eating pyramid recommends the following intake of different food groups each day, although exact amounts of calorie intake depends on sex, age, and lifestyle:Daily exerci ...
In general terms, the healthy eating pyramid recommends the following intake of different food groups each day, although exact amounts of calorie intake depends on sex, age, and lifestyle:
Daily exercise to expend calories for weight control
At most meals, whole grain foods including oatmeal, whole-wheat bread, and brown rice; 1 piece or 4 ounces (110 g).
Plant oils, including olive oil, canola oil, soybean oil, corn oil, and sunflower seed oil; 2 ounces (60 g) per day
Vegetables, in abundance 3 or more each day; each serving = 6 ounces (170 g).
2–3 servings of fruits; each serving = 1 piece of fruit or 4 ounces (110 g).
1–3 servings of nuts, or legumes; each serving = 2 ounces (60 g).
1–2 servings of dairy or calcium supplement; each serving = 8 ounces (230 g) non fat or 4 ounces (110 g) of whole.
1–2 servings of poultry, fish, or eggs; each serving = 4 ounces (110 g) or 1 egg.
Sparing use of white rice, white bread, potatoes, pasta and sweets;
Sparing use of red meat and butter.

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