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Weight loss groups

2014-2-22 16:15| view publisher: amanda| views: 1002| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: Some weight loss groups aim to make money, others work as charities. The former include Weight Watchers and Peertrainer. The latter include, Overeaters Anonymous, also several groups run by local chur ...
Some weight loss groups aim to make money, others work as charities. The former include Weight Watchers and Peertrainer. The latter include, Overeaters Anonymous, also several groups run by local churches, hospitals, and like-minded individuals.
These organizations' customs and practices differ widely. Some groups are modelled on twelve-step programs, while others are quite informal. Some groups advocate certain prepared foods or special menus, while others train dieters to make healthy choices from restaurant menus and while grocery-shopping and cooking.[27]

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