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From food or pills?

2014-2-22 18:48| view publisher: amanda| views: 1002| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: In early 20th century there were great hopes on the supplements, but later research has shown them unfounded.Antioxidant paradox"Antioxidant paradox" means the fact that even though fruits and vegetab ...
In early 20th century there were great hopes on the supplements, but later research has shown them unfounded.[26]
Antioxidant paradox
"Antioxidant paradox" means the fact that even though fruits and vegetables are related to decreases in mortality, cardiovascular diseases and cancers, antioxidant nutrients do not really seem to help. According to one theory, this is because some other nutrients would be the important ones.[27][28] Multivitamin pills have neither proved useful[6] but may even increase mortality.[18]
Fish oils and omega-3
Omega-3 fatty acids and fish oils from food are very healthy, but fish oil supplements are recommended only for those suffering from coronary artery diseases and not eating fish. Latest research has made the benefits of the supplements questionable even for them. Contrary to claims, fish oils do not decrease cholesterol but may even raise the "bad" LDL cholesterol and cause other harms. Also the use of cod liver oil is criticized by scientists.[29]
Alice Lichtenstein, DSc, chairwoman of the American Heart Association (AHA) says that even though omega-3 fatty acids from foods are healthy, the same is not shown in studies on omega-3 supplements. Therefore one should not eat fish oil supplements unless one suffers from heart diseases.[30]

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