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Increased mortality due to supplements

2014-2-22 18:45| view publisher: amanda| views: 1002| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: In Dec 17th 2013, the editorial of the scientific Annals of the Internal Medicine journal criticized heavily dietary supplements referring to research surveys. Systematic reviews did not find evidence ...
In Dec 17th 2013, the editorial of the scientific Annals of the Internal Medicine journal criticized heavily dietary supplements referring to research surveys. Systematic reviews did not find evidence that vitamin or multivitamin supplements would reduce mortality in general or cardiovascular or cancer mortality. On the contrary, many random clinical trials have shown that betacarotein, vitamin E and possibly also high doses of vitamin A increase mortality.[6]
JAMA journal published a review on 68 random trials (232,606 participants, 385 publications) showing that supplements of betacarotein and vitamins A and E seem to add mortality. The effect of vitamin C and selen was unclear.[16]
Cochrane Database Syst Review published a review of 78 random trials (296,707 participants). In its fixed-effect models antioxidants were shown to increase mortality, particularly betacarotein and vitamin E.[17]
According to a study on almost 39,000 American women since the 1980s showed that multivitamin, folic acid, Vitamin B5, iron, magnesium, zinc and copper supplements may increase mortality and also other supplements do not seem to decrease common chronic diseases.[18]

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