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Nursing specialties

2014-3-14 23:20| view publisher: amanda| views: 1002| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: Main article: List of nursing specialtiesNursing is the most diverse of all healthcare professions. Nurses practice in a wide range of settings but generally nursing is divided depending on the needs ...
Main article: List of nursing specialties
Nursing is the most diverse of all healthcare professions. Nurses practice in a wide range of settings but generally nursing is divided depending on the needs of the person being nursed.

The major populations are:

family/individual across the lifespan
women’s health/gender-related
psych/mental health
There are also specialist areas such as cardiac nursing, orthopedic nursing, palliative care, perioperative nursing, obstetrical nursing, oncology nursing, nursing informatics, telenursing.

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