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2014-2-21 22:02| view publisher: amanda| views: 1002| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: Park design is influenced by the intended purpose and audience, as well as by the available land features. A park intended to provide recreation for children may include a playground. A park primarily ...
Park design is influenced by the intended purpose and audience, as well as by the available land features. A park intended to provide recreation for children may include a playground. A park primarily intended for adults may feature walking paths and decorative landscaping. Specific features, such as riding trails, may be included to support specific activities.
The design of a park may determine who is willing to use it. Walkers may feel unsafe on a mixed-use path that is dominated by fast-moving cyclists or horses. Open parks with no subdivided or separated spaces tend to be avoided by older schoolgirls or less aggressive children, because there is little opportunity for them to escape more aggressive children without leaving the park entirely.[1] A park that offers multiple separated play areas is used equally by boys and girls.
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