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Dark tourism

2014-2-21 21:23| view publisher: amanda| views: 1002| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: One emerging area of special interest has been identified by Lennon and Foley (2000) as "dark" tourism. This type of tourism involves visits to "dark" sites, such as battlegrounds, scenes of horrific ...
One emerging area of special interest has been identified by Lennon and Foley (2000)[43][44] as "dark" tourism. This type of tourism involves visits to "dark" sites, such as battlegrounds, scenes of horrific crimes or acts of genocide, for example: concentration camps. Dark tourism remains a small niche market, driven by varied motivations, such as mourning, remembrance, education, macabre curiosity or even entertainment. Its early origins are rooted in fairgrounds and medieval fairs.[45]

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