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2015-3-28 23:23| view publisher: amanda| views: 2458| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: 01 hangover, is that you have 20,219 02 Cuo Cuocuo driver brother 24,914 03 a card finger Friends! Heaven must .. 7,440 04 Parents' friend! Heaven must .. 5,314 05 Pinjiu driver brother 2,106 06 Lo b ...
01 hangover, "is that you have " 20,219
02 Cuo Cuocuo "driver brother" 24,914
03 a card finger "Friends! Heaven must .. "7,440
04 Parents' friend! Heaven must .. "5,314
05 Pinjiu "driver brother" 2,106
06 Lo boat three times, "Lo boat three times," 4,250
07 I love infatuation "Lo boat three times," 2,510
08 is that you have "is your only" 2,151
09 Prison Jailhouse Rock "go out of the child class" 6,734
10 driver brother "driver brother" 1,617
11 drunkard "May" 4,336
Love 12 mountain lilies "Happy refreshment" 487
13 Fixed drunken man "homesickness drunken song .." 5,157
14 I got you "hope Tsai false brothers · Bitters" 1,349
15 Taiwanese brothers "Happy refreshment" 492
16 prodigal affectionate "A treasure you as a" 534
17 original oath "New Taiwanese album 7 .." 1,683
18 cool enough "friends! Heaven must .. "1,265
19 I really you unfeeling "A treasure you as" 982
20 complain "homesick ballad drunk .." 3,354
21 Spring Night with a good feeling, "Lo boat three times." 720
22 dark stormy infatuation "Happy refreshment" 247
23 homesick song "Love Song homesickness drunk .." 906
24 is a broken heart is drunk "false hope Tsai brothers · Bitters" 552
25 Happy Hotel "A treasure you as" 1,276

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