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Jody Chiang|Play music online

2015-3-20 22:21| view publisher: amanda| views: 2458| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: 02 drunken voices "drunken voice" 602,169 03 I could love you "10 lover (across the world .." 107,219 04 Harbor on a rainy night. "Taiwanese personal soundtrack .." 38,461 05 farewell Coast "Jiang Hui ...

02 drunken voices "drunken voice" 602,169
03 I could love you "10 lover (across the world .." 107,219
04 Harbor on a rainy night. "Taiwanese personal soundtrack .." 38,461
05 farewell Coast "Jiang Hui Feng Mai classic .." 6,624
06 Who knows the mind "Taiwanese personal soundtrack .." 171,392
07 rain sound "after the home. Bright ah! .. "156,429
08 innocent people sailing song "Taiwanese personal soundtrack .." 9,914
09 after "Dreamers Concert Live" 53,545
10 A firmly embrace you. "A firm embrace you" 90,123
11 rain wind drunk drunk "drunk voice of" 42,897
12 Heartbreak Hotel "feelings aside," 87,988
13 floral "Bo Cup" 47,677
14 No one familiar with "Goodbye friends! Beloved .. "37,228
15 Anping recollected song. "Love the deep edge 2--. .." 37,499
16 yo miss "10 years · Collection featured" 99,511
17 you with patience "Taiwanese personal soundtrack .." 45,893
18 farewell coast "Century Classics" 119,000
19 Jiuqingmianmian "Taiwanese personal soundtrack .." 29,310
20 Bright ah! Listen to me. "After the home. Bright ah! .. "54,287
21 Acacia helpless "Taiwanese personal soundtrack .." 24,925
22 farewell coast live "Debut Live Cd" 37,394
23 do not want Iraq "Taiwanese personal soundtrack .." 17,574
24 chinook "Taiwanese personal soundtrack .." 30,680
25 faded romance "Taiwanese love" 57,631

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