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Hannu Kause--Play music online

2015-4-23 21:56| view publisher: amanda| views: 2454| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: Hannu Kause,The familiar name from the Tango Market happening`s main contest - writes the songs himself too.(the Balkan songwriters/ producers in Finland in the years 1992-2000, including Hannu Kause` ...
Hannu Kause,The familiar name from the Tango Market happening`s main contest - writes the songs himself too.

(the Balkan songwriters/ producers in Finland in the years 1992-2000, including Hannu Kause`s single “Yhden tähden hotelli” (A hotel of a one star) from the year 1997)

01 Jos Rakkaus JŽŽ《Sateenkaaren ..》6
02 Juuri TŽNŽŽN《Sateenkaaren ..》1
03 Sateenkaaren Aikaan《Sateenkaaren ..》1
04 Belle Amie《Sateenkaaren ..》25
05 Unienkeli《Sateenkaaren ..》0
06 Suomipoika《Sateenkaaren ..》0
07 Sulle Kulta Rakkaudella《Sateenkaaren ..》0
08 Viimeinen Ilta《Sateenkaaren ..》0
09 JŽŽ Mun Luo《Sateenkaaren ..》0
10 KesŽN Morsian《Sateenkaaren ..》0
11 SydŽNtalvi《Sateenkaaren ..》0
12 Tytt™ SŽ Oot Historiaa《Sateenkaaren ..》0

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