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Ed Vallance--Play music online

2015-4-22 21:38| view publisher: amanda| views: 2454| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: This singer-songwriter delivers contemporary pop with a classic elegance and an expansive suavity" - New York Times Songs:01 Spark Of Life《The Modern Life》1 02 Star《The Modern Life》3 03 Go《 ...
This singer-songwriter delivers contemporary pop with a classic elegance and an expansive suavity" - New York Times

01 Spark Of Life《The Modern Life》1
02 Star《The Modern Life》3
03 Go《The Modern Life》33
04 The Modern Life《The Modern Life》9
05 Famous Last Words《The Summer ..》27
06 Bookish《The Summer ..》5
07 Cowboys And Indians《The Summer ..》4
08 Black And White Light《The Summer ..》6
09 Echo Hill《The Modern Life》0
10 Silent Sun《The Modern Life》0
11 Deep End《The Modern Life》0
12 Psychic Radio Songs《The Modern Life》0

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