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Tati--Play music online

2015-4-17 21:54| view publisher: amanda| views: 2455| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: Knowledge, determination, and faith, are all of these traits, Queens native, ascertained, in order to excel in a male dominated, hustle-minded, fast paced industry. Tatiana Simmons a.k.a DJ Tati was b ...
Knowledge, determination, and faith, are all of these traits, Queens native, ascertained, in order to excel in a male dominated, hustle-minded, fast paced industry. Tatiana Simmons a.k.a DJ Tati was born and raised in Queens, New York, on May 27, 1991. Growing up, she had many influences to help drive her into the DJ world. Her influences were DJ Jazzy Jeff, Kool DJ Red Alert and her father who had an immense passion for music. Tati began DJing at the age of 12 consistently, and DJed her first party at age 13.

01 Chuva De Verao《Tati》25
02 Telefone《Tati》21
03 Alto Astral《Tati》19
04 Primeiro Amor《Tati》44
05 Venenosa / Erva Vene..《Tati》8
06 Superpoderosa《Tati》10
07 Amigas《Tati》13
08 Vem DançAr Comigo《Tati》12
09 Mae《Tati》13
10 Fala Serio《Tati》12
11 Diario《Tati》17

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Her desires to become a professional, well-known DJ were met with numerous obstacles. She received a lot of skepticism from males however; she never let that phase her. Now at 23 years old, DJ Tati has met more than half of her goals, this includes DJing in Clubs/Events on a weekly basis, a weekly Radio Show, a "street buzz", released over 100 projects in 2012, and best of all being known as a quality DJ. Tati is still on her grind to the top, and absolutely nothing or no one is in her way.

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