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Yangjinlanze--Play music online

2015-2-18 15:05| view publisher: amanda| views: 2011| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: 01 event you are my fate, "Aegean" 7,047,996 02 Aegean "Aegean" 5,082,911 03 thoughts of love "Aegean" 3,147,989 04 Love Si Jinla measures "happy song" 1,420,728 05 I would like to "Aegean" 1,542,076 ...
01 event you are my fate, "Aegean" 7,047,996
02 Aegean "Aegean" 5,082,911
03 thoughts of love "Aegean" 3,147,989
04 Love Si Jinla measures "happy song" 1,420,728
05 I would like to "Aegean" 1,542,076
06 I'm missing you my love "happy song" 997,756
07 central warehouse Gyatso Love Song "Tibetan Love" 323,949
08 Acacia Rain "happy song" 785,366
09 Potala "Aegean" 1,431,393
10 snow blessing "happy song" 606,268
11 hearts of lovers "Tibetan Love" 271,451
12 Your thoughts my song "Happy Song" 562,983
13 back water girl "happy song" 467,856 Emotional "Aegean Sea"
14 Moonlight 961,447
15 Aegean Sea 677,796
16 happy song "Happy Song" 395,536
17 Three Rivers home "Aegean" 427,570
18 I met you, "Aegean" 871,309
19 waiting together "happy song" 180,707
20 Highland woman 584,875
21 fate 124,238
22 Tibetan sky "plateau woman" 208,555
23 most beautiful song children sing mama 236,381
24 You are my song Rye 131,831
25 holy Yushu "happy song" 189,774

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