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Parable--Play music online

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description: Earthly Story ... Heavenly Meaning. That’s the definition of a parable. Back in 1974, a trio known as Chuck, Pat, Joy brought their down-to-earth music to auditoriums, coffee houses, churches and ca ...
Earthly Story ... Heavenly Meaning. That’s the definition of a parable. Back in 1974, a trio known as Chuck, Pat, & Joy brought their down-to-earth music to auditoriums, coffee houses, churches and campuses in Southern California. Chuck Butler (lead vocals & guitar), Joy Strange (lead vocals & guitar) and Pat Patton (bass guitar & background vocals) had toyed with several names, but at one concert they were introduced as the group “Parable” and the name stuck. Shortly thereafter, Don Kobayashi (drums) was added to the band.

01 A Prayer《Illustrations》61
02 Ladder Song《Illustrations》21
03 Act 3《Illustrations》18
04 A Friend《Illustrations》55
05 Come Untangled《Illustrations》2
06 There's A Reason《Illustrations》36
07 16 Petersham Place《More Than W..》17
08 Goodbye《More Than W..》40
09 Song For The Church《More Than W..》41
10 Friends《More Than W..》40
11 Let The Old Man Die《More Than W..》41
12 On Your Own《More Than W..》38
13 Peter, James & John《More Than W..》27
14 I Know What It's Like..《More Than W..》36
15 Someone's Callin'《More Than W..》29
16 Maybe《More Than W..》48
17 Sweet, Sweet Song《More Than W..》59
18 All Alone《More Than W..》81
19 More Than Words《More Than W..》840
20 The Plain Truth《Top 40 Praise..》14
21 Got To Decide《Illustrations》0
22 The Promise《Illustrations》0

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As pioneers in what’s now known as Contemporary Christian Music, Parable immediately fulfilled the many requests for concerts and the leading of worship. That support progressed into the recording studio creating the classic album, More Than Words. After having many guest musicians sit in with the band, John Wickham (lead guitar) and James Gabriel (piano & vocals) were added as new members.

When Joy, Pat and James moved on to pursue other callings, Parable encouraged Lisa Irwin Wickham (lead vocals), Gary Arthur (bass guitar) and Alan DiCato (keyboards) to join the band. A heavy concert schedule and radio airplay from L.A. to N.Y. and internationally led to the second album, Illustrations.


Functioning like a family for a few treasured years and then being called to many different roles and responsibilities in life, the members of Parable remain friends, still surrendered to Christ, and are immensely thankful for the amazing work God continues to do this day still telling their earthly stories that have heavenly and life changing meanings.

 Chuck Butler - Lead Vocals & Rhythm Guitar

Chuck is the leader of "The Chuck Butler Band", currently writing a new musical theater production, Director of Spiritual Care Services at a San Diego hospital as a Professional Chaplain, and an Associate Pastor at North Coast Calvary Chapel in Carlsbad, California. Chuck has been married to Carol for 40 years, has 2 married sons (Chad & Shawn) and 6 grandchildren. Carol is a Nurse Practitioner in Encinitas. And yes, Chad Butler is from the band Switchfoot.

Favorite Scriptures: II Corinthians 4:5-7!


Lisa Wickham - Lead Vocals John Wickham - Lead Guitar

John is an Associate Pastor and Worship Leader at Maranatha Chapel in San Diego. Lisa has served alongside John in the worship ministry for over 30 years. John & Lisa have three grown children, Evan, Philip & Jillian and 6 beautiful grandchildren. Evan and Philip are are both dedicated Christian music artists and worship leaders.
Favorite Scriptures: John - Psalm 139, Lisa - Psalm 72:18-19


Don Kobayashi - Drums
Don is the EVP of VOXopolis.com, a developer of anonymous communication tools, and is the principal/executive producer of Don Kobayashi Productions, a corporate meetings and events production company. He has been married to Ruth for 26 years, is an Associate Elder at Mariners Church in Irvine, California and active as a soccer dad to his 2 girls (Lauren & Kelly). Ruth is on the Board of Directors at Mariners Christian School, is very involved with their children’s activities, and is busy with her custom cookie business. !!!!!!
Favorite Scripture: John 14:6


Alan DiCato - Keyboards
Alan is the owner of Ground Level Sound Inc, an audio, video recording and post production studio. He is also a Systems Engineer for Pyxis Industries specializing in event production, design and installation of audio, video and lighting systems. Cathy and Alan have been married 34 years, have 2 married daughters (Alison & Kimm) and love spending time with their grandson, Kaden.
Favorite Scriptures: John 15:15-17


Gary Arthur - Bass Guitar
Gary was a worship leader, provided worship instruction/mentoring, wrote many songs, shared his many talents on mission trips and had a handyman business. Most recently, he had been working with Greg Laurie at Harvest in Irvine as lead audio tech. Gary passed away unexpectedly the first week of 2013 due to complications from a severe case of the flu. Gary has 4 grown sons (Samuel, David - married to Jennifer, Michael & Timothy) all residing in the Southern California area.

Favorite Scriptures: Isaiah 26:3-4 !


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